+3 votes
Installation Gnupanel for dedicated server or VPS based on Debian

in Web Servers by (552k points)
reopened | 908 views

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In this case we will choose GNUPanel, which is a free control panel with a GPL license and a very good alternative to Cpanel that is paid.


To install it we will connect to the server through ssh, we assume from a Linux terminal can be from Windows too, just typed the commands, in the Command Window .

myuser @ myuser ~ $ ssh [email protected]

When we connect to the server download the file as you can see in the name supports different versions of Ubuntu and Debian or derivatives.

gnupanel_lenny_squeeze_wheezy_precise_0.3.5_R1.tar.bz2 root @ server1: ~ # wget http://www.gnupanel.org/download/ gnupanel_lenny_squeeze_wheezy_precise_0.3.5_R1.tar.bz2

The next step will be to decompress the bz2 file, for this we install the decompressor

root @ server1: ~ # sudo apt-get install bzip2

Unzip the file downloaded on our server

root @ server1: ~ # bzip2 -dc gnupanel_lenny_squeeze_wheezy_precise_0.3.5_R1.tar.bz2 | tar -xv

This will create a directory with the file name and access the

root @ server1: ~ # cd gnupanel_lenny_squeeze_wheezy_precise_0.3.5_R1

Now we will begin the installation of GNUPanel on our server, for this we write the following:

root @ server1: ~ # ./install-debian-dep.sh

Before installing GNUPanel we will install the necessary dependencies and search and request that we install them only if yes or no to the option to install


It will begin to install the packages and ask for permissions, such as the installation of mysql and the password, the default user is root.


Then it also allows you to install phpmyadmin, where you will be asked for an access code, by default the user is root and the password is none.


Then we will request the server on which to run phpmyadmin, for this we need php, therefore we can choose Install Apache.


. Here we can see how Apache and PHP 5 are installed with all their dependencies .


Then we continue to install Prodftp ftp, here we have to choose if the FTP will be standalone the service will run as an independent process or inetd which is a process in charge of initializing the proftpd whenever it is required.

. Normally we will select the standalone, so that the FTP is executed as a service and we do not have to make extra configurations .


We have installed the Apache web server, php 5 and phpmyadmin. The installer below will ask us if we want or not install other services such as

Postfix: is a free software mail server
Mailman: used to manage email lists

After installing the dependencies and the basic services of the server, we will begin to install Gnupanel

Once all the dependencies are installed, we proceed to install and configure GNUPanel.

root @ server1: ~ # ./gnupanel-install.sh

root @ server1: ~ # ./ gnupanel-config.sh

When you start you ask us if we want to configure GNUPanel, we give an Enter and then we will request the server ip and press "Enter"


Then it will ask again for the public ip of the server, it will also ask for the ip of the dns and the name in case we have it in another server, generally the web server and the server dns should be different.

After configuring the dns, he will ask us for a name for the server, the user and the key of the panel administrator.

We test Access the Control Panel administrator

Since we do not have a domain yet, we will enter with the server ip

http: // ipdelserver / admin


We see the access screen to the control panel

So we can enter to http: // ipdelservidor / reseller and also http: // ipdelservidor / user

Then we can configure from the control panel the server data add domains, emails, services, types of payment, This control panel allows managing Administrator, Reseller and hosting user. It also allows us to manage payments and means of payment of the hosting.

by (3.5m points)

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