How to install evalhook on Centos (WHM)

This time I want to share my experience. Okay, about 2 weeks ago, late / evening ... on Facebook there is a share of the ' nuyul ' safelink script. And the script is copied, yeah, as usual, if people share the script about the ' quiz', they will definitely be hacked, I don't know what the goal is. After I searched it turned out that the script was copied on , then I tried deobfuscate manually, by changing the eval function to print_r . Until finally I managed to get the original script, that's about 5 minutes, because the length of the string is almost 800-1000 lines, forget about the time. So we just go to the point.
In this experiment I used the additional php extension, evalhook. You have to install Evalhook first and the install tutorial is on the page
If it's already installed, then prepare the script first, which has been copied on
Then type php -d namafile.php enter

Do you want to allow execution? just answer y until there is a piece of script
if (strpos ($ i1i, "Obfuscation provided by Unknowndevice64 - Free Online PHP Obfuscator") == false) {
header ("Location: "); die (); }
If you have seen the code snippet above, it means the script has been deleted.