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Java for experts in 8 free courses that you can do now

in Help by (552k points)
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Java Programming Language course advanced level I
Advanced java
Youtube channel of Jesús Conde
Java course for experts
MongoDB for Java Developers
Building software with Java
Data structure optimization
Programming Android applications with Java


Looking for a job as a Java programmer , one of the languages ​​where we can find more offers, seems to be a job opportunity that many do not want to miss. Beyond the introductory courses, we will see Java resources for experts in eight free courses that you can do now ..

If we are not familiar with object-oriented programming, it would be advisable to start with a basic course like these. If we already have a solid foundation in Java, but what we are looking for is to improve our capabilities , these courses will be the most interesting. Let's see some of them:

Java Programming Language course advanced level I


In this 150 hour course we will find advanced functions such as multidimensional arrays, rounding to two or more decimal places, stringbuffer or data stack structures in Java.

A very complete course with solved exercises that help us better understand how Java works and get the most out of this programming language..

Advanced java

In this case, these are video lessons through which we progress in our knowledge of Java .

It is a course for those who already have a basic knowledge, where they will learn the use of strings, recursion, thread management or streams. A very complete course and in a very didactic environment..

Youtube channel of Jesús Conde

In this case we have a YouTube channel where we see Java from the beginning, but without staying in a mere course for beginners.

We have the opportunity to see advanced features from lesson number fifteen, such as access modifiers, advanced swing components, or developing GUI applications with Netbeans.

We have a total of forty lessons. The best thing is that we do not need to take it completely, simply take into account what aspects we want to improve and take advantage of the resources it offers us.

Java course for experts

It is a five-hour course where topics such as interface types, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism are covered.

Each of the courses lasts one hour on video, this does not mean that later when practicing the concepts they show us we do not have to spend more time assimilating the concepts that they have taught us.

MongoDB for Java Developers

MongoDB is one of the most widely used databases. In this course you will learn how to use Java in order to get the most out of it.

It is intended for those programmers who already have a solid understanding of the language. It lasts seven weeks, dedicating between three and five hours in each one of them to be able to finish it successfully.

Building software with Java

It is an edX course focused on making better applications and creating software. It is not just about what functions, but about introducing the necessary criteria so that it does it well, solving problems that arise properly or being able to properly test the applications.

Data structure optimization

One of the problems we can have in programming is scalability . As the size of the database grows and increases, we may encounter some difficulty.

For this, this course from the University of San Diego is very interesting, which helps us to optimize and measure the performance of data structures.

It is about using and analyzing such structures that are used in applications at the industry level, such as linked lists, trees and hash tables. The course explains how these data structures make programs more efficient and flexible.

Programming Android applications with Java

This is a course developed by the Autonomous University of Mexico, aimed at learning to program applications for Android using Java . Undoubtedly one of the sectors with the highest demand and where it is expected to continue growing in the future, something that is a very interesting job prospect for many programmers.

The truth is that the amount of resources at our disposal to improve our programming knowledge are very large. You just have to prepare and start taking advantage of them. For this, it is essential to dedicate time and have the necessary perseverance to complete all the courses to the end.

Images | Alviman | WDnet

by (3.5m points)

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