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Learn to code in Ruby with these 6 online courses and YouTube videos

in Help by (552k points)
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Ruby Course from CodeAcademy
Ruby, official website
Ruby for Newbies
Easy Code


Despite the fact that today we find multiple programming languages, among the most popular JavaScript, Java, and even Python and Ruby continue to sneak in . And it is that the origins of the latter, dating back to 1997, have not prevented it from continuing to be one of the favorites by developers..

The reason? That it is a dynamic language , open source, object-oriented and focused on simplicity and productivity. Some characteristics that made him make the leap in 2006 - his highest moment - but which, nevertheless, has been relegated to the background in the field of universities. For that reason, today we collect some of the best YouTube videos and online courses for you to learn successfully.

Ruby Course from CodeAcademy


We will start with the CodeAcademy online course, a website specialized in this type of lesson that has a specific section for Ruby. The lessons are structured in several blocks: introduction to Ruby, flow control in Ruby, loops and Ruby, arrays and hashes, and blocks and classification. Each of them includes two subsections..

It includes the possibility of practicing, concrete instructions to do it successfully, and the like. The method is very clear: the section is briefly explained and you begin to “fiddle”, the most important thing in this case. One of our favorites.


Rubymonk is a page that goes further and that will allow you to practice what you have learned. It has different interactive tutorials –structured according to the level and that you can see more clearly in the library tab– and it will help you identify your weaknesses in Ruby..

And although the interface leaves a bit to be desired, it is something very useful that is also free. In any case, you can always contribute to the cause in its section on voluntary donations. Integrated problems and examples are another of its strengths.

Ruby, official website

We could not fail to mention the official Ruby website where, in addition to downloading it, you will have access to documents and files, as well as a series of tutorials that will allow you to address different issues. We highlight the interactive one, perfect for learning the basics. It is a blank canvas on which you can test . Basic indications appear on the left.

The site also offers other resources such as links to specialized guides and manuals , and more. The community should be highlighted, as it allows us to contact other users to answer questions, learn tricks related to the language and the like, something very useful if we take into account that it is open source.


As for MitoCode, it is a specialized YouTube channel and one of the most complete regarding this programming language. We are left with his course of 33 videos in which he contemplates such basic questions as description, installation and download, as well as others such as numbers, strings, classes, conditionals, arrays, lambas, procedures, and more.

The videos are in Spanish and usually show a computer screen performing the actions and procedures that a voiceover narrates. In addition, it does it at a very affordable rate, so it is very easy to understand the explanations. In this space you will also find Java video tutorials and others related to tips for learning to program and more.

Ruby for Newbies

In Ruby for Newbies, a space on the envatotuts + tutorial platform, you will find a wide selection of tutorials to learn how to program in Ruby. However, it is not a channel for beginners, but a site where we find more complicated explanations .

So much so, that at the bottom of the video we find a kind of breakdown of the content, detailed examples of what has been commented and more. All very complete. To give you an idea, we even found sections for missing methods. The material can be grouped by difficulty and is only available in English .

Easy Code

Although it is a more general learning platform –that encompasses other programming languages ​​and the like–, Easy Code is equally useful for learning to program in Ruby . We highlight its 30-video course, perfect for those who want to be introduced to this language.

From installation to nested methods, going through procedures, blocks and lambdas, it is one of the easiest to understand available in our language . In addition, you can use their YouTube videos, regardless of the written instructions on their website.

Images | iStock: Eraxion

by (3.5m points)

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