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What is the difference between a KB and MB?

in Guides by (552k points) | 211 views

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Bits and Bytes
Units of measure
Which is bigger a kB or a MB?

Wondering if a kB is bigger than an MB ? It is true that these storage units can generate confusion about their equivalences. This is why technowikis.com explains the difference between these data units so that you have no doubts and know which is the biggest one kB or one MB.

Bits and Bytes

Before tackling the question, it is necessary to have some notions on these units of measurement. In this way :

A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer and it can have a value of 1 or 0; from the sequences of bits is formed the language or binary code, used to codify the data in data processing and telecommunications.

A Byte consists of 8 data bits and is used as a unit of measurement for data archives.

Units of measure

Since bits and bytes remain small units of measurement of data, larger units of information are used:

  • One Kilobyte (kB) is equivalent to 1024 Bytes
  • One Megabyte (MG) is equivalent to 1024 kB
  • One Gigabyte (GB ) is equivalent to 1024 MG
  • One Terabyte (TB) is equivalent to 1024 GB

This way, to switch to a larger unit, you have to multiply by 1024 while to switch to a smaller one, divide by that same amount.

Which is bigger a kB or a MB?

After this explanation, you see that the megabyte is bigger than the kilobyte . Thus, an MB can contain more information than a kB.

by (552k points)

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