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Riddle Ideas for Tik Tok

in Promotion in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Tik Tok riddle ideas
Tik Tok umbrella puzzle
The riddle of the thread in TikTok
Popular riddles in TikTok

To attract the audience and keep their attention, you can make riddles in Tik Tok. To do this, they always create interesting interactions - they conduct live broadcasts, come up with videos with personality tests, tell scary stories and make puzzles..

Such an interactive can relate to any topic - a riddle can be of logic, ingenuity or entertainment.

Most users are looking for answers to such problems on the Internet or through similar articles collect ideas for their interactions in the profile. And if you have a similar goal, in the article you will find out what puzzles are, and also get popular examples..

Tik Tok riddle ideas

TikTok tasks can be different - their topics are usually related to the author's profile. The most common directions of riddles:

  • psychological - usually these are puzzles in which you need to unravel an image or figure. Sometimes riddles turning into tests - Tiktoker sees one image in a picture that combines about three objects. Then the author talks about the personality of a person in the image that he chose,
  • on logic and ingenuity - here you can come across unusual puzzles that only Harvard students guessed. Such tasks are complex - they are more often used in tests to determine the level of IQ,
  • with a trick - there may be ordinary children's puzzles that you can solve in a second. But there may be puzzles that seem familiar, but the answer is different. The TikTok trick puzzle can be entertaining, instructive, or with vulgar connotations,
  • professional - here the puzzles relate to some kind of work, that is, only people who know this industry can solve them. The puzzle can also be funny, tricky, with overtones, or with dark humor.


TikTok has come up with many variations of riddles - for example, now a viral trend has emerged among TikTokers. One character reproaches the other that his jokes are not funny, and the other makes strange puzzles on purpose. Usually the answer is a black joke, which may seem cruel to someone.

Read on in our blog: How to get your first 1000 subscribers..

If you want to use riddles in your content, let's break down the popular riddles in TikTok.


Tik Tok umbrella puzzle

Here users come up with variations of one popular riddle - some of them are designed for different audiences, others only for adults because of the vulgar subtext.

For example, use a rebus in the following form: "Before business - hanging, during business - standing, at the end - wet". You can come up with your own original presentation if you know how to make puzzles and rhyme words.

Then check how your audience will react - by the way, black jokes or puzzles with overtones are best. These puzzles resonate — some laugh, others resent.


The riddle of the thread in TikTok

Most often, Tiktokers search for riddles via the Internet - these are puzzles familiar to people from childhood. But this does not prevent such videos from being included in Tik Tok recommendations - not everyone in the world is familiar with Russian puzzles.

For example, the thread puzzle is also considered popular. More often they use the following variation: “The needle fits into the eye. Her thin girlfriend. Together, the seam will be laid quickly. What is the name of your girlfriend? "

Popular riddles in TikTok

You can also take note of the following puzzles from TikTok trends to raise the asset on the page:

  • Three tractor drivers have a brother Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers. Could this be? (Yes, if the tractor drivers are women).
  • Hanging pear - you can't eat. Why? (Boxers can get stuffed in their faces).
  • What to do when you see a green man? (Quickly cross the street while the traffic light is green).
  • What does a woman have on her body, a Jew in her mind, is used in hockey and on a chessboard? (Combination).


Also try to come up with author's riddles for Tik Tok - this is even better, because it is difficult to guess the answer here, so the asset is growing.

by (3.5m points)

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