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How to download all information from your Tik Tok

in How to download from Tik Tok by (552k points)
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Why download information from TikTok
How to download data from TikTok
What information from the TikTok application includes
How to insert information into Tik Tok
Nuances of downloading data from Tik Tok

Personal information in TikTok is entered every time a new user is registered. And if you wanted to leave your own profile and create another, you will have to re-specify the data..

But you don't need to do this if you download the info in advance from the old page. It can be transferred to the account that you registered.


How to do this is described in the article. It also explains what this data includes..

Why download information from TikTok

Often, users turn to this procedure in order to save data not so much about the name, profile description, but about the activity on the platform, as well as the language.

This helps you customize the app if you download it in another country. TikTok immediately becomes familiar, so it's easier to use the new profile..

Also, such information is useful for users who run professional business pages. They can send all the indicators to clients or bosses, if necessary.

Here we are talking mainly about visits, views, likes and comments. Based on this data, customers decide whether they want to cooperate with the business, and the bosses look at how activities on the platform are progressing.

How to download data from TikTok

If you need to carry out such a procedure, follow the steps that are described below:

  1. Go to the application and log in to your account.
  2. Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and go to the settings.
  3. Select "Privacy".
  4. In it, find the inscription "Personalization and data". Go to this section.


Here you can place an order for the provision of personal data. When the Tik Tok moderation approves the application, you can download the info in the next section "Download data".

As a result, the current version of data from TikTok will be stored on your phone.

What information from the TikTok application includes

When the system collects information for you, an alert will be sent in the application. After downloading, you will have access to the following data:

  • personal information: this includes a profile photo, username, mail and associated phone number, if it was specified during registration,
  • activity: this section will collect likes and comments, purchase history, video clips and favorites.
  • preferences: includes language preferences, notifications, and privacy data.


You get a file that collects information from Tik Tok about you. If you filled out the questionnaire in detail, were active, the information will take up a lot of space. Otherwise, there is no point in copying them if you only specified the name and your activity is minimal.

How to insert information into Tik Tok

When you create a new account, you need to open the file that you downloaded and duplicate the information from it to your profile. Media and video files can also be uploaded to the page. This is done during and after registration.

This will help you get your previous views and reach back to the page faster if you had a large audience.


Nuances of downloading data from Tik Tok

It is important to know that when requesting to download information, the system will consider the application for a long time. The period can take up to 30 days, so you need to prepare for the wait.

It will be easier to copy the information separately, as well as download photos and videos. You can also upload them to a new page in the same way, but the procedure will take less time.

by (3.5m points)

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