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Is it really safe to submerge and wet a "waterproof" cell phone?

in Cell Phones by (552k points)
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If you have a sturdy or waterproof cell phone, be very careful to intentionally submerge it. Despite what the marketing says, things like you can put it so many meters deep or similar and take pictures of yourself under there, the phone can be damaged . "Abuse" this waterproof feature, IP68, etc. or "misuse" may even invalidate the warranty..

That in the technical specifications of a cell phone it says "IP68" means that it has the highest degree of protection against water, it is true, but it must be borne in mind that this certification or degree of IP protection is achieved through laboratory tests. It does not mean that an IP68 cell phone is resistant to all kinds of water, depth and conditions.

Press image used by Sony to promote its Xperia Z3 smartphone, hinting that you can dive into the pool and take photos. 

A few years ago Sony indicated how it gets its devices approved as "waterproof" and labeled "IP68":

Sony devices that are tested for their waterproof abilities are gently placed into a container filled with tap water and submerged to a depth of 1.5 meters. After 30 minutes in the container, the device is carefully picked up and its features and functions are tested. [Highlighted text is the work of the editor]

Regarding the water in swimming pools (chlorinated water), sea water or taking photos or recording underwater video, the same company also stated:

You should not put the device completely under water or expose it to sea water, salt water, chlorinated water, or liquids such as beverages. Abuse and misuse of the device will void the warranty . [Taken from the information page of the Sony Xperia Z5, which is IP68 certified. Highlighted text is the work of the editor]

Moving or using the device while submerged has not been tested during laboratory tests. Also, there are many environmental factors that we could not assess (for example, water movement or water pressure changes during movement) when the device is used underwater. Therefore, we recommend not submerging your Xperia Z5 in water . [Comment from a Sony Mobile support representative. Highlighted text is the work of the editor]

These clarifications from the company (which should obviously be taken as the most extreme conditions of use) were made after marketing of their pre-Xperia Z5 devices said things like “you can even dive up to 1.5 meters deep with it [Sony Xperia Z3] "or" occasional use of the device in chlorinated pools is accepted, as long as it is rinsed afterwards in fresh water. "

Other manufacturers will have a similar policy, things more, things less, so be sure to read what the fine print says for your brand of device..


The degree of IP certification of a cell phone tells us which are the most extreme conditions in which a cell phone should be used in contact with water, but keep in mind that this certification is obtained through laboratory tests, that is, with pre-established conditions. A single variation of these conditions, an easy thing to happen in real life, can change the outcome. Nothing will have happened to many people ignoring these conditions, but I have read many people who say that their mobile phone has been damaged. It is best not to intentionally submerge the cell phone. If it falls into the water, let it be only by accident.

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