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What does LFG stand for and how is it used?

in Guides by (552k points)
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What does LFG mean: looking for a group and more
The LFG story
Games, clans and groups

  • LFG is an acronym that became very popular with EverQuest, the first successful MMO released in 1999.
  • Although it is widely used in video games, it is not the only place where it is used.
  • We'll talk about what LFG stands for and everywhere it's used.

Surely once in a while you saw messages with “LFG” in some chat. But what does LFG stand for and how is it used? Its meaning is too simple and the way to use it too, especially for those people who are involved in the world of video games..

What does LFG mean: looking for a group and more

The most common definition of LFG is “Find Group”. Many people on the internet use this acronym to search for groups in online games. For example, if we are playing a title like New Word, then it is possible that we will use it a lot to create groups with other people; It is normal to read in general chat “LFG level 60+” indicating that you would like to party with other players who are over level 60. However, this term has become so widespread that it is not only used in games.

Another possible definition for LFG is “let's fucking go” or “let's freaking go” I think you don't need to translate it to understand it, right? Many internet users post on their social networks to inspire or motivate. For example, someone public that today has a job interview and the response may be "You're going to get that job! LFG!”

Basically, to guess which definition someone is using in a sentence, we have to be aware of the context in which it is used. When “LFG” is used in a game, it is usually followed by some text with specific criteria of groups you are looking for. When it means "Let's go shit," it's usually for some motivational message that accompanies it or ends with an exclamation point..

The LFG story

The oldest LFG definition of Urban Dictionary internet slang starts in 2002 “Looking for group”. The entry references EverQuest, which was considered the first successful MMO. This means that LFG may have been in use for at least a few years. Because EverQuest was first released in 1999 and people were already typing “LFG” in chat when looking for guilds or quest partners.

There is also a secondary definition for LFG in games, which is "find a girlfriend". This particular meaning also appeared thanks to MMOs as a fun way to find partners within the multiplayer game. Many MMOs have wedding and marriage systems, so players used this acronym to parody the real meaning of "Find Party"..

In 2010 we have a first LFG entry that refers to “Let's go crazy”. The acronym began in textbooks on college campuses as part of party culture. It later spread to the internet, gaining use in various conversations about music, games, sports, and other things on the web. It was even adopted as the informal catchphrase for the US women's notional soccer team, who won the 2019 FIFA World Cup.

Since then, the term LFG as "Let's go crazy" is usually used in text messages between friends as a way to get excited about some event or party to participate. For example, a group of friends are going on a trip together and a message would say something along the lines of “This is going to be a great vacation! LFG!”

Games, clans and groups

However, where it is used the most is still in the world of online video games, especially those that require forming groups of several people to face the content available in the title. Games like WoW, New Word, MIR4 or Dota 2 are a few examples of games where it is used.

Depending on the game, playing with others often has great benefits, especially in difficult missions that, if played alone, would be impossible to overcome.

by (3.5m points)

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