+3 votes
Hello all of you.

I want to synchronize my trophies on the PSN but the error #80022D00 appears as soon as this function has traversed the first 5%. The last time I did this synchronization about 4 months ago, everything went correctly but there, it's the "catastrophe".

Can you help me please ?

PS: PS3 CECH-4204C (SuperSlim) under HFW-4.88.1/HEN-3.0.3

in PlayStation by (552k points) | 293 views

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer

Well, I haven't seen much on the internet, that it must be a PS3 error, which is sometimes solved after several days, disconnect the router for a while and turn it on again, have the PS3 removed from the power for hours, try to compare trophies with friends or, what you say, delete the user, but there is no official solution :(

by (552k points)
+4 votes

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Sync your trophies BEFORE ANYTHING and download them via FTP.
  2. Carefully, set the trophies that you want (with Apollo Save Tool or PS3TrophyIsGood) and save your changes. Always leave some easy-to-get trophies in order to get them in-game.
  3. Upload the trophy folder to your user account via FTP (check that everything uploaded correctly).
  4. Rebuild database and check file system.
  5. Start your game and get one of the easy trophies left. Wait until the notification pops and wait again until it dissapears.
  6. Connect to PSN (remember to disable syscalls and such if you are on CFW).
  7. Press the PS button and go to PlayStation Network > Trophy Collection and let it sync.
  8. Cross fingers :P
  9. If there weren't any errors, you should now see your manually set trophies synced along the last trophy you just get.

And that's it!.

The trick is to unlock trophies one game at a time, in order to avoid corrupting everything and losing track of which game is breaking the sync process.

by (552k points)

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