Introduction With the PowerShell, I can perform an action for an object but I can also do it for 10, 100, or 1,000 objects. The Exchange 2010 server can have one or more databases, in this case we will connect to a main one. The commands that we will execute can be executed in a single command line. Excel Sizes and Export 1) Sizes Let's throw some commands to check the size of the company mailboxes and the Alias. We will be using a sentence that in my opinion is one of the most important for this case in a PowerShell, Get-MailboxStatistics . ForEach ($ MailBox In (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited))
Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $ MailBox | `
Format-Table @ {Label = "sAMAccountName"; Exp ression = {$ MailBox.sAMAccountName}}, `
@ {Label = "Size"; Exp ression = {$ _. TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes ()}},
@ {Label = "DeletedSize"; Exp ression = {$ _. TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToBytes ()}},
@ {Label = "TotalSize"; Exp ression = {$ _. TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes () + $ _. TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToBytes ()}} -AutoSize
2) Export With these sentences we will be exporting to an Excel, following these sentences we will achieve a successful export. Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
$ Return = @ ()
ForEach ($ MailBox In (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited))
$ Statistics = $ null
$ Buzon = New-Object PsCustomObject | Select-Object sAMAccountName, `
Size, `
DeletedSize, `
$ Statistics = Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $ MailBox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
If ($ Statistics -ne $ null)
$ Buzon.sAMAccountName = $ MailBox.sAMAccountName
$ Buzon.Size = $ Statistics.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes ()
$ Buzon.DeletedSize = $ Statistics.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToBytes ()
$ Buzon.TotalSize = $ Buzon.Size + $ Buzon.DeletedSize
$ Return + = $ Buzon
$ Return | Export-Csv -Delimiter "," -Path c: usersSOLVETICDocumentsbuzones.csv -NoTypeInformation
$ Return = $ null
To be executed as a scheduled task, it can be saved in a text file of extension "PS1" and it can also be executed from a .bat . 3) Executing the Script PowerShell executes scripts with extension ".PS1", so that you can write all the code in a Text File with the indicated extension. To edit scripts you only need a text editor. If you want more features such as debugging and seeing the value of the variables in real time, you can use PowerGui. To execute a PowerShell script we have to indicate its location in an absolute way. There are two ways to do it: - From the conventional command line:
powershell. list-mailboxs.ps1
In this case, the script file list-mailboxs.ps1 must be located in the current folder. We have to write the whole path if the script is in another folder that is not the current one: powershell c: scriptslistar-mailboxs.ps1
- Or from the PowerShell command line (we are in the same folder as the script):
powershell>. list-mailboxs.ps1
- Indicating the complete path from the PowerShell command line:
PoweShell> c: scripts list-mailboxs.ps1
Following these steps we can start to handle without any problems, a PowerShell for our sentences on a Microsoft Exchange 2010.