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What does eMule mean?

in Other Applications by (552k points) | 369 views

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eMule is an open source , GNU licensed file sharing program . It is one of the best known file sharing programs. It is completely free and has no ads in it. But in 2007 and after, it started to have spyware and Computer Virus .

On 13 May 2002, Merkur was coded on eDonkey by a programmer ( Hendrik Breitkreuz ) who used the eDonkey program but was not satisfied . While Donkey means donkey in English , mule means mule . Since it is coded on eDonkey, it uses the ed2k network just like eDonkey .

Server system 

Sharing using server 

In the ed2k network, users connect to each other with the help of servers . However, there is a point to be considered. Some of the servers in the ed2k network are fake servers. In general, it is beneficial to stay away from these servers, which are established by organizations that protect copyrights of movie and music products ( such as RIAA ), because they send corrupt files to users. Among the non-fake servers was Razorback2 until the most popular was closed . Currently, the DonkeyServer No1 server.

Serverless sharing 

Starting with version 0.40a, Kad network has been added to eMule . Thanks to the Kad network, users can connect to each other without a server. The reason for adding this feature; to ensure that users can connect to each other in case of downtime / downtime of servers.

Queue and credit system 


When you add a file to your download list , eMule does not start downloading files directly from users. They enter the waiting queues of the people who have the file. After the person at the top of the queue takes a certain size of the file, the queue passes to the next user. Here, users switch to the user queue, not the file. In which order to enter the queue; It varies according to the peer connection, the priority of the file that the requested file is shared by the person who shared it, and the credit .


eMule also has a credit system to reward users who share, and thus encourage people to share. According to this system; For example, if user A sends files to B, credit is added to A in the credit file of user B. Thus, if user A wants to download files from B, he starts to wait in the front row of B. Credit information is stored on the opposite side. Based on our example, A's credit is stored at B. In this way, the abuse of the credit system is prevented. Although there are many eMule files and programs on the internet claiming to increase credit, they are most likely trickery.

High / low ID 

In eMule, there is a possibility of getting two types of id (id) when connected to a server or Kad network . High and low id. These identities indicate whether or not eDonkey can be connected directly to the user, just like its active and passive states. Usually , users who connect behind a firewall and / or router will have a low id . This status can be avoided by allowing the required ports from the firewall (default ports are 4662 TCP and 4672 UDP) and routing the required ports from the router (they are integrated with the modem, usually on home computers) to the PC.

As for what these IDs do;

  • Low id users can only connect to high id users.
  • High id users can connect to both high and low id users.

Therefore, having high id is very important in terms of not having resource shortage.

What is eMule? 

Someone named Merkur was dissatisfied with the original eDonkey2000 client and believed he could do better at the dawn of May 13, 2002. And so he did. He gathered other developers around and the eMule Project was born. Their aim was to make a client with tons of features added and a very nice GUI (Graphical User Interface) available before eDonkey became famous. They could not even imagine what effect this decision would have ..

Today, eMule is the largest single and most robust person-to-person file sharing client in the world. Thanks to the open code policy, many developers who have enabled the network to work more efficiently with each release and can contribute to the project.

What does eMule mean? 

The name "eMule" comes from the animal name "Mule" which is similar to donkey (donkey). Several features are listed.

Clients use many networks to build a reliable network. (ED2K, Resource Exchange, Kad) Kad is currently in trial, eMule can be enabled for use in v0.42 version eMule's Queue and Credit system helps you ensure that everyone gets files as they want by duplicating what is sent to the network. eMule is completely free. eMule also does not contain elements such as Ad, Spyware completely. We did this for fun and knowledge, not money. Each file is checked for corruption so that it is error-free while downloading. eMule's Intelligent Defect Detection Check helps to quickly fix broken parts. Automatic priorities and Resource management allow you to start many downloads without having to watch them. It allows you to view the Moving Images and Archives before the preview function is completed. We recommend the Video Lan Client to preview the image. The features of eMule allow you to quickly access the web service and the web server over the internet. You can create categories to organize your downloads. EMule offers a wide range of possible searches for the files you want to find. These areas are: Servers (Local and General), web-based (Jigle and Filedonkey), and Kad (Hala Alfa). eMule also allows you to use very complex Boolean searches to make calls more flexible. With the messaging and friend system, you can send messages to other Clients and add them as friends. In your friends list, if your friend is online, you can see any suspicion.

by (552k points)

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