+4 votes
The best aim training maps in CS: GO

in PlayStation by (552k points)
reopened | 406 views

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Crashz's Crosshair Generator v3
DC's movement and aiming training map
KataS 'training_aim_csgo2
Yprac's Practice and Warmup Map
ULLeticaL Recoil Master
Aim Botz from ULLeticaL
How do I download and play custom practice maps on  CS: GO ?

A good aim is the mandatory basis for any CS: GO player . While there will always be more important aspects of the game that you need to know and work on, you can never reach your maximum potential without perfecting your aim first..

Some say that to practice it is enough to play and play again, but this is not entirely true. Improving your aim requires investment of time, determination, and out-of-game training. Even knowing all the basics of the game, you will have to get used to the idea that there will always be other aspects where it will be possible to improve.

The veterans of the early days of CS walked the muddy tracks of the 7/24 deathmatch, but the prodigies of recent years have better means at their disposal than their predecessors. Valve's community workshop is filled with awesome maps that do wonders for improving your aim, and you can't even practice it without being able to play CS: GO with coaches for your liking. The options are at your fingertips, and the only question left is whether you really want to get better accuracy every day..

Each of the maps listed below all seem to accomplish the same goal, but a single workout routine will have its limitations. A card loses its value as you get used to its pattern, which makes the sequence predictable and makes it easier to react. This therefore removes the element of surprise, which is specific to competitive games.

If you notice that the workout map you are using has become part of your muscle memory, switch to another map to complete your workout..

Here are the best training maps on CS: GO to reach new standards.

Crashz's Crosshair Generator v3

Crashz's Crosshair Generator v3 - Screengrab Crashz
Crashz's Crosshair Generator v3 - Screengrab Crashz

Before you start running and shooting at your targets, you will need to make sure the stage is ready. CS: GO allows its players to customize their sights with different colors, shapes and behaviors. While most players like that the sight widens as they move, to indicate that they won't have accuracy if they shoot, veterans might find this feature disturbing and turn it off.

Seeing a pro player's sight option might be a good idea, but it will never be the same one that's perfectly cut out for you. The sight customization interface on CS: GO lacks guidance, but Crashz's sight map may be just what you need.

If you get lost, the map will allow you to choose from the various sights used by the titans of the pro scene, and you can always upgrade their successful formula to make it fit your style.

DC's movement and aiming training map

DC's Aim and Movement Training Map - Screengrab via DC
DC's Aim and Movement Training Map - Screengrab via DC

Successfully shooting targets with surgical precision is much easier when you're not moving. While counter-terrorists have the advantage of waiting around a corner, terrorists are the ones who will have to take the fight against them.

This process includes peeking around corners and advancing into dangerous situations, where you will have to stop to instantly enter a combat duel. Making the transition is vital to taking the win, and DC's training card is all you need to perfect it.

From the simplest ramps to the most complex peeks, this map has it all. While it offers a good variety of options, you can improve it by inventing different scenarios yourself.

KataS 'training_aim_csgo2

KataS 'training_aim_csgo2 - Screengrab via KataS
KataS 'training_aim_csgo2 - Screengrab via KataS

The KataS training_aim_csgo2 card is one of the most accessible. It is packed with simple targets and is a great choice for beginners.

This map will teach you the basics of positioning to aim well and will help you tap instead of spray. There are 5 training programs available, and we recommend trying them all with all available weapons. Since CS: GO is also an economy game, you won't always be in a position to buy your favorite weapon, so it's best to master the alternatives.

Use the overlays around the map to track your progress and consider challenging yourself to beat your own record. In the end, it will be your motivation that will allow you to surpass yourself.

Yprac's Practice and Warmup Map

Workout routines that keep you moving are great, but sometimes you might just be in the mood to revenge and let your magic hand do the work. Yprac's training and warm-up map offers potentially the most options in terms of training programs, and all of them simply require standing in the middle of the map.

You can even change the map options to give it a different vibe, or attempt a CS: GO world record. The comprehensive selection of weapons and the easy-to-play nature of the map make it a great choice if you're looking for a single map that covers all aspects. Included programs may cover upgrades up to Global Elite level.

ULLeticaL Recoil Master

Recoil Master - Screengrab via uLLeticaL
Recoil Master - Screengrab via uLLeticaL

Knowing which weapon you are using is the key to outperforming other players in terms of Likes. You may feel right at home on an AK-47, but if you don't know how to use it well, it will lose to a good player on the UMP45.

ULLeticaL's “Recoil Master” training card focuses on helping to play with the different recoil patterns on CS: GO . Each weapon has a different recoil, and you will have to get an idea of ​​their pattern before using them in ranked.

Complete a few training programs and watch how the guns react when the bullets start to scatter. If the dispersion is not ideal to be precise, sometimes you will not have a choice in part. Perfectly following the scatter pattern will therefore give you a much better chance of eliminating your opponent.

Aim Botz from ULLeticaL

uLLeticaL's Aim Botz - Screengrab via uLLeticaL
uLLeticaL's Aim Botz - Screengrab via uLLeticaL

Shooting targets regularly can get boring quickly, especially since it doesn't match the complexity of CS: GO's gameplay . If you want more variety on target models, uLLetica's Aim Botz should be a good choice.

This giant shooting scene features countless bots and has plenty of options. It's not the perfect map to start your aiming training, but it is effective if you want to warm up before heading out to ranked. You can even force the bots to watch you, which adds a little dose of drama to the AIM training session.

How do I download and play custom practice maps on  CS: GO ?

Downloading any of the above cards, or even any other personalized card, is simple. Just go to the workshop page for CS: GO  maps customs and look for the map concerned. Then, you must click on the card of your choice and then on the "Subscribe" button.

Subscribing to a map in the workshop will automatically make it available on CS: GO . Launch the game after subscribing and look for the workshop tab in the main game menu. The card of your choice should appear in the list, and you will have to click on it and then on Play.

It is also possible to invite friends who have the same card for fun tournaments or to join communities and seek other talented prodigies who would like to train with you. 1v1 cards are generally best for training in pairs, as no routine can replace intense real-life situations against opponents.

by (3.5m points)

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