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My opinion about Huawei cell phones and the solution to your most serious problem

in Telephone by (552k points)
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Software: EMUI is good?
Las aplicaciones se cierran y no funcionan correctamente
Unable to unlock bootloader on Huawei
What's good about Huawei cell phones?

Although Huawei is a good distance from Samsung and Apple, it is in the top three manufacturers that sell the most mobile devices in the world. This by itself already gives us a clear reference to the quality that Huawei offers. Is it worth it above other brands? Let's see..

Considering that I have had devices from various brands in my hands, including Samsung , Motorola, LG and Xiaomi , in addition to Huawei, of course, I can give my comparative point of view of this brand with respect to the rest. And by way of summary you can say that Huawei is a good brand in Android devices. However, it is not the best.

Software: EMUI is good?


The software is probably the most important part of an Android device, because it determines your experience of using the cell phone or tablet. And although Huawei's software or its EMUI interface is good, not good enough compared to other brands..

Leaving aside its functions, which it has many and very good that even other brands do not offer, the most important problem of your Android system is the errors or failures that it has. They are minor, they are definitely details, but they are constant things that I have not experienced in a brand like Samsung.

For example, one of the things that bothers me the most is that it doesn't cache apps, so if you change apps and go back to the previous one, you don't go back to where you were but the app reloads, something very annoying when viewing the feed of Facebook or YouTube. It's like the phone doesn't have RAM, even though mine has 2GB. 

Another problem is that notifications are lost when unlocking the phone or sliding the status bar. Also, the software update notice is always popping up despite being disabled. I've had Google Chrome shutdown and malfunction issues, the URL I'm entering is not showing here. Finally, I suddenly heard the message " the person you want to talk to is driving and cannot take the call ", which is unusual because the phone is not even in use..

Como ves, son errores menores y tolerables de EMUI. Sin embargo, con Huawei he tenido un fallo que nunca tuve con ninguna otra marca: al siguiente día de haber comprado un Huawei Y5 2019, desaparecieron los botones de navegación, reinicié el celular y no volvió a arrancar más. Tuve que llevarlo a servicio técnico por garantía para que le reflashearan el sistema operativo. Probablemente una unidad defectuosa, como puede pasar en cualquier otra marca definitivamente, pero no puedo dejar de mencionarlo.

Las aplicaciones se cierran y no funcionan correctamente


As I said at the beginning, a disadvantage (and at the same time advantage) of Huawei devices is their aggressive battery optimization system , which forces "minimized" applications to close immediately after they stop using them. Obviously this improves battery life, but it also annoys the user experience, because apps that must remain running in the background are affected. In addition, this causes an application that you stopped using a few seconds ago to reload, update or refresh its content when you return to it, losing what you had in view or in what you stayed when you left it.

This battery optimization system is present in all Android devices starting with Android 6 , but in Huawei equipment it is more aggressive than in other brands as I said. Anyway, there is a solution and it consists firstly in deactivating the automatic start-up management of applications and putting it in manual mode (Settings, Applications, Start applications, «Manually manage»), and secondly, disabling or not allowing the Battery optimization itself for the application we want (Settings, Applications, Special access, Battery optimization, "Do not allow"). You can read in detail how to disable this optimization here .

Unable to unlock bootloader on Huawei

Another disadvantage of Huawei is that it does not allow unlocking the bootloader of its equipment, as it is possible in Samsung, Motorola or Xiaomi , although for the latter the process is tedious. This means that you will only be able to flash the official Android system available for your Huawei. If it is old, you will not be able to flash a firmware that is NOT original that offers you a more modern version of Android than the one on your computer. In other words, the system will become obsolete over the years. 


Regarding the physical aspect and electronic or internal components, there is no major difference compared to other manufacturers. Huawei's cell phones are neither better nor worse than other brands. They offer practically the same or the same quality if we compare them fairly with the respective ranges of their competitors.

What's good about Huawei cell phones?

If you obviate the negatives of this brand, then it is an excellent option because of the great battery life it offers. Another great thing about Huawei phones is that they are fast and generally fluid, even in the lower ranges. Perhaps one of the causes of both is its aggressive system of automatic closing of applications (and perhaps that is why the cache or hosting of applications in RAM is very poor).


Huawei sells a lot and it is not necessarily due to the great marketing or recognition of its products and brand, but also because it offers good cell phones. Obviously they are not perfect, but you need to improve your software section a bit to be at the level of what other brands offer. Personally, I have not had a completely satisfactory experience with Huawei. If I had to recommend a cell phone brand, it would not be this unfortunately. Obviously, those users who are satisfied with Huawei have no need to switch to another. In fact, from what I have seen, Huawei offers a slightly lower price than Samsung and is practically on par with Motorola and Xiaomi in terms of costs.

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by (3.5m points)

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