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Listen to all the radio stations in the world with Radio Garden

in Help by (552k points)
reopened | 156 views

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This is how Radio Garden works

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Listening to the radio may seem like an act of nostalgia to many, but the reality is different: it is a medium that is still very much alive and that, every day, is followed by millions of people around the world. Now, thanks to Radio Garden , we are going to enjoy it more..

However, the way we listen to radio stations has changed. Many of us choose to listen to the content of the radio, its programs, on demand through so-called podcasts . In this way, we are not subject to the dictatorship of schedules and we can enjoy what we want when we want. In addition, now we access directly from the mobile, either by placing a headset to act as an antenna or by going to podcast applications such as iVoox or Google Podcasts.

On this occasion, we are going to show you a website and mobile application that will undoubtedly delight any self-respecting wave lover. Its name is Radio Garden and it contains the promise (fulfilled) to offer live radio stations from anywhere in the world instantly ..

This is how Radio Garden works

Listening to any station in the world is within our reach thanks to Radio Garden. As soon as we enter its website, it welcomes us with a screen on which we must click play . It is a step that we only have to take the first time we access the application.


Once we have clicked on play , a world ball will appear in three dimensions. Automatically, if we have the location activated, it will take us to the place from where we are connecting. Then, it only remains to play with the app. With the finger (or the mouse), we will go to the place we want to listen to the station of the place. Let's go, for example, to Mexico..


On the left, we see the play bar. Here we can lower and raise the volume, in addition to marking the station as a favorite. If we click on ' Explore ', we will have more stations in the place.


Imagine that we are interested in knowing what the successes of the Top 40 in Mexico are . Thanks to Radio Garden, we have it easier than ever. We search the list of stations (in this case, from San Luís Potosí) for the 40 Principales and activate it.


Radio Garden also has an application for Android phones. To download it, we just have to enter this link. The interface and operation of Radio Garden on mobile is the same as on the web . Through simple gestures, we will explore the world in search of our favorite stations. With Radio Garden, we have the world's radio at our fingertips in a very simple and rewarding way.

by (3.5m points)

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