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How to earn Battle Stars fast in Fortnite

in PlayStation by (552k points)
reopened | 166 views

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Get as much XP as possible in game
Do not pass the challenges
Collect XP Coins
Buy levels
Play with friends

Each season of Fortnite  tends to have a unique element that sets it apart from the rest. While new mechanics and in-game events play an important role, the Battle Pass probably has the biggest impact in making a season recognizable..

The general theme of the skins included in the battle pass allows players to recognize the season just by looking at its cosmetic items, and unlocking all skins will be the primary goal for many Fortnite players  throughout the season.

Until Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 , rewards unlocked quickly as players leveled up. But with Chapter 2 Season 7, players have the chance to unlock the rewards they actually want..

If you want to unlock everything in the Battle Pass, you'll need to accumulate as many Battle Stars as possible, the new in-game currency that can be used to unlock Battle Pass rewards. Here's how to get the most Battle Stars in no time in Fortnite .

Get as much XP as possible in game

To get Battle Stars, your character must level up. This means that from a technical standpoint, just playing Fortnite  is the easiest way to get Battle Stars. But you will need to use all the tips available to maximize your XP gain and it starts with simple aspects..

The placements, survival time, and number of kills you get in a game all have an impact on the XP you receive at the end. Depending on your playstyle, you should choose a strategy to gain maximum XP over the long term. These amounts may seem small, but they stack up quite a bit over the long term.

  • Eliminations : 50 XP for the first kill in the match, 20 XP per kill afterwards (limit to 7 kills)
  • Survival : 17 XP per minute after the first minute of a match, limited to 14 minutes.
  • Placement : 25 XP for a top 20, 100 XP for a top 10, 300 XP for a Victory Royale.

With those numbers in mind, you can easily maximize your XP gain by simply surviving until the end of a game. Surviving will also guarantee you a better placement and you will improve your XP gain through your survival score. You will also need a lot of loot while surviving and opening chests or ammo boxes will also grant players more XP. Although some people prefer to break chests instead of opening them for additional materials, this will not be the best technique to get the most XP.

Do not pass the challenges

A lot of quests don't ask players to do anything special. Once a season kicks off, you will be able to complete most quests even without focusing on them. But there will also always be a small part that will require effort.

These quests may seem like a lot of time at first, but this time can be reduced by preparing them in advance. Check YouTube guides for the quest you want to complete so you always know where to go and what to do after entering a game.

Prioritizing quests by their rarity can also be a good strategy to improve the time / reward ratio. Legendary quests have better rewards than others, but they can also be more complicated to complete.

You will have to complete all the weekly challenges during a season so as not to miss all the XP, but there is also the option of stacking the dailies. This will then activate the Supercharged effect to get more XP for your expired daily quests by completing new ones.

Collect XP Coins

Despite a few exceptions, Epic Games plants XP coins around the Fortnite map as early  as week seven of each season. These pieces can also come with their own challenges, which makes their collection a rather rewarding experience.

Once these pieces start to appear around the map, you should be able to find some guides online to help you place their locations. It might take 2 or 3 games to collect all of these coins, but they're a great source of XP.

Buy levels

It might sound like cheating, but buying all the levels will be the fastest way to unlock everything without grinding.

If you buy all the levels at the start of a season, you will have access to all the cosmetics before the majority of the player community and you will save a lot of time.

Play with friends

Joining a group will not improve your XP gain, but it will be essential for completing certain group-related quests. Inviting a friend or two before you start to complete your quest log can be a good idea because you will be able to communicate better, which will allow you to complete the quests faster.

If someone in your party has a challenge that requires them to open ammo boxes, the others can help them out. This also applies to you and you can help each other complete as many quests as possible in a single game.

by (3.5m points)

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