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Malwarebytes for Android is good?

in Applications by (552k points)
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Other features
Is MalwareBytes good?

The MalwareBytes application is an anti-virus or antimalware solution that will allow us to scan the device for Trojans and spyware, although it also offers a couple of additional functionalities that, for example, will allow us to know the permissions that the applications installed on the mobile phone have. , as well as offering tips to improve the security of the Android mobile in order to avoid tracking or unauthorized access to the equipment..

Its goal as an antimalware is to detect and remove malicious files before they infect the system. Of course, it will also allow us to do a complete virus scan on the phone on demand, to determine if there are infected applications, photos , videos, music, and any other type of file, and eliminate them if it is the case. Malware scanning can be scheduled or automated daily at a specified time, or weekly as well.

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Other features

In addition to antivirus functions, it has other features, such as its App Manager an administrator to see installed and running apps. Privacy Manager will help us to know which applications have access to personal data, such as accounts, messages, calls, location and even see which applications spend money by sending SMS or making calls and using the data connection. Security Audit is a section of recommendations to increase security and privacy, such as activating a pattern lock, disabling developer mode, deactivating GPS tracking, installing only applications from Google Play, etc..

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Is MalwareBytes good?

AV-TEST is one of the best sources to determine how good and safe an antivirus is. This site has a specific analysis for MalwareBytes where we can see positive numbers for this application until July 2020 , in terms of three parameters that are protection or virus detection (at least 98.9%), performance or battery consumption, generating slowness or consumption data (perfect score of 6/6) and usability or false alarms, where it has a score of 3/6. This last figure is negligible because of thousands of tests done, it has barely had one and two false positives.


When it comes to searching for and finding viruses on your Android device, MalwareBytes is as good as other antivirus on the market, including Avast or even VirusTotal . However, I do not recommend having it permanently installed on your Android device, because despite the AV-TEST report, it is an extra application consuming resources. Keep in mind that your Android must already have an antivirus solution pre-installed , so an additional APP should not be necessary . You should only use it as a second temporary option when you think your device has a virus and you need to scan it for any possible threats..

Download MalwareBytes : Google Play

How to PROTECT my cell phone from viruses, spies, interventions, etc.

AV-TEST, a website that ranks the best antivirus on a monthly basis

How to remove viruses from your Android device

by (3.5m points)

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