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8 sites that recommend worth watching movies

in Video by (552k points)
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Cinetrii will find similar movies
What to Watch on TV will tell which season the series will slide down to
Flixi will predict your score
Show Skimmer will find the best episodes
No-Brainer Watchlist will help structure
Director Alerts will send a notification
AFI Movie Club makes a daily compilation
Every Movie Has A Lesson Tells What The Movie Can Teach

Not sure what to see? Today we will tell you about unusual online services that will help you choose a worthy movie or TV series. The Internet is full of sites based on a simple algorithm: they offer movies and TV shows for viewing, depending on what you like. This method works, but it is not the most effective..

The services listed below recommend films based on a variety of criteria: which films have influenced your favorite film, what famous directors or other viewers recommend in discussions, what lessons you will learn from a particular job.

Cinetrii will find similar movies


Cinetrii offers a completely new approach to movie search. Instead of recommending films that other users liked, the service recommends viewing the works that served as inspiration for the selected film, as well as films that, on the contrary, were inspired by it. Thus, you can find films that are close in meaning, which you have not heard about before..

The service works on the basis of an algorithm that analyzes the articles of film critics. In their reviews of films, the latter often refer to other similar works, mention other directors, and make comparisons. Based on this, Cinetrii compiles a tree of related films, at the top of which are the earlier films that served as inspiration, and below are the works that were influenced by the original film. If multiple critics cite the same movie, the bridging thread will be more pronounced.

Click on any of the films to read an article about it, go to its page in IMDb or on the same Cinetrii and find even more recommendations for viewing. This is a very effective way: after all, if you are delighted with some kind of film, you probably want to check out films that have something in common with it..

What to Watch on TV will tell which season the series will slide down to

It is known that IMDb users can rate both the series as a whole and its individual episodes. The What to Watch on TV service collects the episode rating from the series and draws up a graph on which you can see how the rating changes with each episode and season.

For each series, there is a graph that shows the rating of all episodes, the overall rating and the total watch time. In addition, the service lists three of the best and worst episodes of the series compared to the overall rating.

Enter in the search bar the name of the series you want to watch, or study the rating published on the site. You can configure the filter so that only TV shows with a rating of 6 stars or more are shown in recommendations, sort them alphabetically or by rating. You can also trust random recommendations by clicking on the Random button. Fun fact: The show with the highest rating is Breaking Bad.

Flixi will predict your score


Flixi is a great mobile app for movie and TV show recommendations. As with many similar apps, you first need to specify what you like and what you dislike. In a Tinder-like interface, to rate a TV show, swipe right to bookmark it, or swipe left to remove it from recommendations for three weeks.

After you rate 25 different TV shows on a scale of one to ten, Flixi's artificial intelligence comes into play. Instead of simple “recommendations”, it will predict how you will rate other shows. So when a friend tells you to watch something, you can search Flixi for it and see how you are likely to rate it.

Head over to the Discover section for tons of random recommendations. In one panel, you will see what's coming out this week, trends, shows that have recently ended, and new and popular TV shows in your chosen genres. You can also track TV shows on Flixi and get notified when new episodes are available .

Flixi also lets you specify which online cinemas you are subscribed to. He works with directories all over the world, not just in the USA.

Download: Flixi is available for Android  and  iOS .

Show Skimmer will find the best episodes


"Watch a few episodes and you'll like it." How many times have you heard this? Not every series is captivating from the first episode. When a friend or app recommends a show, search Show Skimmer for it .

This website will show you a list of the top five or ten episodes of any TV series (which had at least 35 episodes). The episodes are listed in chronological order, as this is the best viewing option. But you can sort the episode list by rating. Show Skimmer does not indicate what sources it uses, but most likely they are TVDB, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, etc.

You can use Show Skimmer to find the most popular episodes and watch them. Or you can jump straight to the best episodes of the new series to see if it's worth watching or not.

No-Brainer Watchlist will help structure


The No-Brainer Watchlist has three columns: "Proposed", "Selected" and "visited". As with Trello or any other Kanban board, move your series between three columns.

There is a drop-down arrow next to Suggested that you can use to fine-tune the suggestions.


You can choose a minimum rating on IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes. But the biggest filter is by genre. It is possible to exclude certain genres.

After No-Brainer Watchlist presents you with a list of recommendations, drag any interesting option to the other columns. If you hover over any title, you will see its synopsis and ratings. Next to the title of each series, a small number indicates how many seasons have already been released.

Director Alerts will send a notification


If you love movies, but do not have time to keep up with the latest in cinemas and streaming services, Director Alerts will be your faithful assistant. Just indicate the directors whose work you like, and the service will send you an email notification as soon as the next new product comes out from them. This is the only feature offered by the site. It's also completely free.

AFI Movie Club makes a daily compilation


During the pandemic , a virtual film club was launched on the website of the American Film Institute - now film fans from all over the world can watch films and discuss them at the same time without leaving their homes.

Every day, the AFI Movie Club website has a new watch recommendation, as well as a video in which the actors and directors talk about the film. In addition, with the help of the search aggregator Reelgood , the site offers streaming services where you can watch the selected movie.

After watching, you can join the discussion on Twitter, Facebook or other social networks using the hashtag #AFIMovieClub. Also on the site you can take a quiz or find out interesting facts about the film.

Every Movie Has A Lesson Tells What The Movie Can Teach


Don Shanahan, a social studies teacher at a Chicago high school, believes that there is something in every film that we can learn. In a world where film critics find fault with every little detail, such a positive outlook on cinema should serve as an example for everyone.

On his blog Every Movie Has A Lesson you can read articles about cinema (they are in English, but no one forbids using the translator built into your browser), as well as reviews of films, where he writes about the lessons that films teach us.

To see what lessons Don is drawing from the films he watched, you need to click on the Blackboard Gallery tab . Here, each lesson is framed as text written in chalk on a blackboard, just like in school. Each film usually contains several lessons.

by (3.5m points)

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