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11 TOEFL Preparation Apps for Android and iPhone

in Education by (552k points)
reopened | 219 views

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TOEFL by Top Learners
Magoosh: TOEFL
TOEFL Test Pro 2020
TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards
TOEFL Prep & Practice
TOEFL Vocabulary FlashCards
TOEFL by Artur Agapov
150 Selected English Essay
TOEFL Grammar
TOEFL by Eslhub
Incorrect Word Test

The TOEFL test is done to test your knowledge of English. For example, some countries issue a visa only on the basis of a TOEFL score. Moreover, in almost 130 countries around the world this test is taken upon admission to the university..

The hardest part about it is that you need to familiarize yourself with a wide range of sciences such as biology, archeology, history, art, etc. This is why it is so difficult to have a sufficient vocabulary. The same word can have different meanings depending on the context. If you practice constantly, you will undoubtedly improve your grades on the exam. The applications from this article will help you with this!

TOEFL by Top Learners


TOEFL by Top Learners is a platform with a variety of video courses that cover all aspects of the exam, from explaining basic grammar rules to advanced. There is a training part - it includes speaking, listening and essays.

A large number of examples and recommendations are available on how to write an essay or behave during testing. By the way, a whole section is devoted to how to deal with emotions and not give in to panic. There is also a forum where you can ask a question and get an answer from a specialist. You are allowed to upload your own essays - an expert will evaluate them and mark errors..

You can take tests and cards with a time limit. The advantage of the application is a detailed description of errors. Some tests (including viewing the correct answers to them) do not require an internet connection.

Grammar is perhaps the hardest part of learning English. Temporary constructions, the order of words in a sentence, the use of modal verbs - there are enough pitfalls. This service will help you master all the intricacies of the English language..

Available for Android only .

Magoosh: TOEFL


The preparation process in Magoosh: TOEFL goes in small daily steps. At launch, a short introductory video is included: what is TOEFL, how best to plan the training. In addition, the app demonstrates the test format and provides access to a huge library of educational materials.

In addition, there are detailed instructions on how to write an essay. The app also contains a section for reading, listening and even speaking; a section on tips on exam preparation and even a few tips on how to behave.

For those who prefer to practice video, there are hundreds of videos in various categories. Some of them are only open to premium accounts, however, you can get free access for a week.

Available for Android and iPhone .

TOEFL Test Pro 2020


TOEFL Test Pro 2020 contains everything you might need. More specifically, the app offers flash cards and tests. They all have time limits to make you feel like you are on a real exam.

The app estimates your fitness level based on your strengths and weaknesses. Tasks with errors accumulate in one place - you will always be aware of what is worth returning to. After each workout, the result is shown that you could get on a real TOEFL.

If we talk about the number of questions, there are more than three thousand cards compiled by specialists. Plus, there are many articles available offline, so you can study even without an Internet connection. An important point: the application works with a paid subscription for $ 5 or $ 7.

Available for Android and iPhone .

TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards


TOEFL English Vocabulary Cards contains a large library of flashcards: they will help you memorize the vocabulary minimum required to pass the exam.

The program is developed in cooperation with practicing tutors - you will see your strengths and weaknesses. Themes are constantly updated: several new ones are added every month.

The application is divided into sections according to the topic and type of vocabulary. You can search for a specific flash card or try random mode. The program analyzes your results and forces you to correct mistakes until you give the correct answer.

Each mistake is accompanied by a detailed explanation, so you can learn from your mistakes. All training history is saved so you can track your progress. The account can be synchronized with multiple devices.

Available for Android and iPhone .

TOEFL Prep & Practice


TOEFL Prep & Practice is another product from a company known for its services for preparing for all types of exams. This particular application includes material study and training.

The main thing is that it contains an impressive collection of video tutorials from the best teachers. In addition to videos, there are tons of other materials: articles, books and, for complete happiness, audio versions of these books to listen to on the go. At the moment, there are several thousand video tutorials available on all topics from the exam. The program can create a personalized lesson scheme depending on the level of your knowledge.

The service also gives advice on how to behave in the exam and how to avoid emotions and panic. The developers also took care of the training section with more than two thousand vocabulary flashcards and tests to test your knowledge. All tests have a time limit, which allows you to feel the tension of a real exam. Are you planning some serious preparation? Feel free to download this application to your phone!

Available for Android and iPhone .

TOEFL Vocabulary FlashCards


This is another good exam preparation aid. It has a collection of 2,000 flash cards from different categories. If you wish, you can prepare your own flash cards and create a personal lesson plan. The cards are not collected randomly - they are all prepared by specialists. The library is updated weekly so you don't miss out on anything important.

The app is broken down into segments by topic. The service measures the results and even predicts what mark you will roughly get on a real exam with your current knowledge.

Your strengths and weaknesses are taken into account, so that the problematic question will appear several times until you figure it out. In case of an incorrect answer, the application displays its detailed analysis. A great app to encourage you to learn while exercising.

Available for Android only .

TOEFL by Artur Agapov


TOEFL by Artur Agapov is a dictionary with vocabulary and accompanying pictures. Each card contains a word with one or more meanings.

It is worth clarifying that these are by no means random words - all the cards are approved by specialists, each is the result of a small but thorough research. You can view words in a specific category or in random order.

You can memorize terms through visual images and detailed explanations. There is a mode in which notifications with words come every day, which means that you learn gradually, without wasting too much time. The interface is customizable: it is allowed to change the theme, text size and font.

Available for Android .

150 Selected English Essay


As you might have guessed from the name, 150 Selected English Essay will help you improve your essay writing skills. The platform is exclusively suitable for writing practice. Collected here are over a hundred examples of great essays covering many topics. You can rely on them at the beginning of the preparation.

The texts contain notes on writing styles and other features that should be reflected in the essay. There is a section of educational tables with introductory wording and much more, which can be useful in the written part of the exam. As for the interface: it is allowed to change the background color, font and letter size. Night mode is provided.

TOEFL Grammar


The TOEFL Grammar app focuses primarily on grammar. Various types of tests can pump your knowledge. Several options for preparation techniques can be changed so as not to get bored during class, namely: standard tests, cards with grammar questions and tests for finding errors.

There are no random cards collected here - they are all created by professionals. The library is updated weekly, so you won't miss anything important. The service saves all the results and sends you graphs with progress.

In a random mode, the application offers tests and cards depending on your strengths and weaknesses. The question with which you are having problems will appear several times until you learn it.

Available for iPhone .

TOEFL by Eslhub


The main difference between TOEFL by Eslhub and its competitors is the thousands of words that you can learn for free. Even more interesting are the different preparation techniques that will not let you get bored during study: standard and vocabulary tests, vocabulary cards.

A test that mimics the actual exam is available, including a time limit. Every mistake you make is flagged and provided with a detailed explanation. In a random mode, the application changes the tests and cards according to your answers. The service also stores the results in a personal history and sends statistics of achievements.

In addition to what has been said, there are many educational articles and video tutorials collected here, plus mini-tips from time to time pop up on the screen. The developers plan to include short exercises that can be read along the way.

Available for Android .

Incorrect Word Test


As the name suggests, Incorrect Word Test is an app with a huge collection of tests to search for misspelled words. Over two thousand questions have been prepared for training, so it will take a lot of time to go through everything. In other words, you will not come across tasks that are easy to answer.

Incorrect Word Test offers a daily practice mode - in it you receive notifications with questions every day. You can specify the number of days you want to spend on training - the application will calculate how many questions you need to answer daily.

Incorrect Word Test provides several training models, depending on the goals and mistakes made. As you use it, you will complete tasks faster and faster. Finally, there are many educational materials available to help you prepare for the exam.

by (3.5m points)

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