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9 apps for learning correct pronunciation of English words

in Education by (552k points)
reopened | 231 views

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English Pronunciation
Speak English Pronunciation
English Pronunciation Training
English Pronunciation: Offline

English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. It is used by residents of more than 100 countries. It doesn't matter which part of the world you travel to. There is almost always someone who understands English and can speak it. If this is not your first language, you will have to make an effort to learn it..

We have met many people who understand and speak English, but cannot pronounce the words correctly. As a result, communication becomes more difficult. Often in such situations are people who come to English-speaking regions for work, leisure and for other reasons.

You should not only learn new words, but also practice their pronunciation. This will help you move forward in your career, academics and make a good impression on others. Let's take a look at some apps that can help you improve your pronunciation..



The Utter app interface is  well designed and looks professional. After logging into the application, you will start with the Tenses course, in which a bot with artificial intelligence will tell you about the program. He will also test you through an interactive chat, in which he will need to answer a few questions. This is important for the correct configuration of the program.

There are different courses for different scenarios. For example, you can choose a course for communicating with friends about travel, office, work. Training is carried out at three levels:

  • Beginner - for everyday tasks. Ask for the time or find out the way.
  • Intermediate - for casual conversation with friends.
  • Advanced - for office, work communication.

After learning the basics, serious mastering of English pronunciation begins. You need to record your voice giving answers to various questions. Utter's job is to help you prepare for any situation..

Each level provides two free lessons. To continue training, you will have to pay $ 2.49. Utter not only teaches you how to communicate, but also helps you prepare for different situations. You will learn what and how to say in certain cases.



Before you start communicating with native English speakers, it is advisable to work on your pronunciation. ELSA (the name stands for English Language Speech Assistant) is an interactive communication application. It helps you improve your pronunciation and generally speak English better.

The  ELSA  are lessons topic for different students - from taxi drivers to the customer support staff. There are many lessons in each topic. When you run one of them, the program will play words and phrases. You must repeat them.

You will instantly know about your pronunciation rating. Depending on the results, the program will ask you to either repeat a word or phrase, or allow you to move on. If you have trouble with the word, use the tips on the movement of the tongue and lips. Click on the ear button to listen to the word being played.

The program has a built-in dictionary for 2000 frequently used words and phrases. They should be enough to get you started so that you master the basics of pronunciation. It is worth noting the reminder function for the next lesson so that you don't forget to practice your pronunciation.



The creators of Nativox claim that this app is the first English language learning tool based on intonation-based speaking.

Like any other language, English has some peculiarities. They relate to sounds and intonations. Nativox focuses on helping users better understand American spoken English. When using Nativox, you listen to expressions and watch the words assemble into an interesting diagram. This makes it easier to understand how to pronounce each part of the sentence.

Then you can repeat phrases and record your voice. Simulate pronunciation until you can get as close to the sample as possible. Nativox is designed so that you can learn to say something while recognizing the translation of words. This allows your brain to focus on speaking rather than grammar or vocabulary.

English Pronunciation


English Pronunciation  is a small application that will not only tell you how to pronounce words correctly, but also show you how to move your tongue correctly for this. When launching the application for the first time, you need to select your native language. The program will then show you how to pronounce vowels and consonants.

By clicking on a vowel or consonant letter, you will see advanced options. The screen will show the position of the tongue and lips with a detailed text explanation. There are also various examples of words that can be listened to with a British or American accent.

In the "Practice" section, there are words with missing letters. You need to choose the right letters and enter the entire word completely. There are checkpoints and progress tracking to facilitate the learning process.

Unfortunately, you can't just type a word to hear its pronunciation. The program is distributed free of charge, albeit with advertisements and in-app purchases. You can get additional tests and examples of words.

Speak English Pronunciation


Practice goes a long way to getting the words right in English. But how do you know you are pronouncing the words correctly? To do this, either listen carefully to yourself or use the Speak English Pronunciation app  .

While most of the features in this program are the same as in English Pronunciation, there is one key difference. Speak English Pronunciation allows you to record your voice so you can listen to yourself and improve your pronunciation. Such a tool makes it possible to practice speaking even without a teacher and without any outside help at all. Your pronunciation is rated in stars - 1 to 5.

There are also pictures with the position of the lips and tongue for correct pronunciation. The program can be used offline, i.e. without the presence of the Internet. It is distributed free of charge, but with ads.

English Pronunciation Training


English Pronunciation Training app can replace the interlocutor and teacher. It teaches you to pronounce English words correctly, checks the student's oral speech and makes it possible to repeat the lesson as much as necessary.

With this application, you will learn some linguistic features. Here are some of them:

  • Sound pronunciation R.
  • The position of the mouth and tongue when pronouncing sounds.
  • Features of deaf and voiced sounds.

There are also some special features for more effective learning:

  • You can hear the pronunciation before pronouncing the words.
  • Use words in conversation to understand how they are used.
  • Training videos.
  • View progress.
  • Earn points for correct pronunciation.
  • Use the earned points to unlock additional lessons.

English Pronunciation: Offline


The two applications described above have a common significant flaw. They do not allow you to enter a word yourself and then listen to it. You can forget about this problem using the English Pronunciation: Offline app .

The program is less than 3 MB in size and allows you to enter words, phrases and even whole sentences. Click on the speaker icon to see how they are pronounced. You can repeat the playback over and over until you understand the information.



Want to practice your English pronunciation with a friend but he isn’t around right now? Apps4Speaking application will be a worthy replacement . You can have an interactive conversation with a funny character that will help you hone your English skills.

Repeat the dialogue as many times as necessary to memorize the lesson. You will be shown images to associate with different words. The program allows you to focus on the conversation instead of reading the text.

Then read the dialogues to better understand the specifics of communication - after that, start talking yourself. Enter the role of the interlocutor of the electronic character and immerse yourself in a conversation with him.

The app combines the latest in speech recognition technology with engaging videos. This allows you to communicate with the characters on the screen as if you were in a real conversation. One of the main benefits of Apps4Speaking is continuous feedback. You will earn points as you progress.



If you want to practice speaking English more, this app will be helpful. TalkEnglish has hundreds of built-in lessons. They include practice of conversation, various interesting tests, exercises for listening to words. All lessons are aimed at improving your speaking skills for everyday communication.

The recording function is one of the benefits of TalkEnglish. Record your voice to listen to it, compare it to samples and monitor your progress. This approach is good for speed and learning outcomes.

by (3.5m points)

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