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Socialgoods service for Tik Tok promotion

in Tik Tok Services by (552k points)
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The main functionality of Socialgoods
How to start using Socialgoods
Socialgoods benefits

Socialgoods is a TikTok content and profile promotion service. If your content does not fall into the Tik Tok recommendations or collects likes and comments for a long time, the platform will help you promote publications and quickly develop your account..

In this article, we will tell you step by step how Socialgoods will be useful and how to start promoting your Tik Tok. We have tried this service on several of our accounts and will tell you about its advantages in promotion.

The main functionality of Socialgoods

With this service, you can raise your TikTok asset to a new level! Options Socialgoods service for Tik Tok are as follows:

  1. Promotion through mass following and massliking - the service automatically likes and subscribes to the accounts of users who may be interested in your content.
    The user sees your reaction and visits the page - if he likes your content, he will subscribe in response and rate the video on TikTok. This service costs 2,000 rubles. The targeting method works here: you select the topic and city for which the system will find profiles, and also indicate the account, the required number of likes and subscriptions.
  2. Promotion by attracting an audience - as many accounts are subscribed to your account as you specify. The price of one subscriber is only 1 ruble. Here you need to specify the link to the profile and the number of subscribers that you need.
  3. Promotion due to the growth of likes under the video - you get likes on the video, which increases the overall engagement as a result. The cost of the service is 60 kopecks for one like. You must first specify the link to the video and the number of likes.
  4. Promotion through the growth of likes, views and reposts - the system collects profiles that are active with the content on the page. The price of the service is 1 ruble for three actions at once for one video. You provide the link and the number of actions.
  5. Promotion through the growth of views - users watch your video - engagement and the chances of getting into Tik Tok recommendations are growing. The cost of viewing is 60 kopecks. Here you also indicate the link to the video and the number of actions.
  6. Promotion through reposts - the number of reposts is growing. The cost of the action is 40 kopecks. Here again, indicate the link to the publication and the desired number of reposts.
  7. High quality promotion through attracting followers on Instagram - price - 1 ruble per subscriber. You need to provide a link to your Instagram profile and the number of subscriptions.
  8. High quality promotion through likes on Instagram - the cost of a like is 35 kopecks. You need a link to the publication and the number of likes.
  9. Promotion due to the growth of video views with a transition on Instagram - for one view you pay 10 kopecks. Here you also need to specify the link to the publication and the number of views.


In addition, you can buy an account for your goals for development and monetization:

  1. A full-fledged business account in TikTok with 500 subscribers for 450 rubles.
  2. A business account in TikTok without subscribers, but warmed up, costs 38 rubles in Socialgoods.
  3. Young business accounts in TikTok are sold for 25 rubles.

How to start using Socialgoods

To get started with the platform, go to the service page and select the function you want to use. Then click on the "buy" button..


You will be taken to the purchase menu, where on the panel at the top there will be an icon for registration - enter the data and register.


After that, fill in the information in the boxes, which is needed to register the service. At the end, click again on the "buy" button - the service is activated.

Socialgoods benefits

Users highlight the following advantages of the Tik Tok development platform:

  • A variety of options among the ways to promote your profile and content - you can promote publications or the profile as a whole, as well as buy accounts so as not to register your own.
  • Inexpensive services - you can order a promotion to add 100 subscribers to TikTok and pay 100 rubles.
  • Reliability - user reviews say that the promotion does not look like a mindless cheat - the service complies with all the restrictions and limits of the social network.
  • Continuous support - technical support will answer your questions and offer a comprehensive solution.
  • Convenient payment - you can pay for the promotion through Yandex.Money, Robokassa and UnitPay.

To start working at SocialGoods , you just need to go through a quick registration and order a service - then the service will start working..

Already on the first day, you will notice an increase in subscribers, views or likes. This affects the attitude of the TikTok algorithm to your content - then it gets into recommendations more easily.

by (3.5m points)

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