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How to apply for the COVID passport and what requirements are requested for its issuance

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What is the COVID passport
This is how you can apply for the COVID passport
These are the requirements that are asked


If we have already received the two doses of the COVID vaccine and we are one of those who are going to travel this summer, we can be in luck. You can now request the COVID passport , a document that allows us to move between countries without the need to keep quarantine or any other method of prevention..

What is the COVID passport

At the time of writing this article, at least 52.6% of the population has already received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine, a pandemic that has been with us since the end of 2019. We can already see some of its results. Among them, the Government has decreed that it is not necessary to wear masks abroad as long as the safety distance is maintained.

And as the improvement is already being noticed, the desire to travel begins to increase. The Government, to facilitate the transit of vaccinated people , has created the COVID passport, a document that certifies that the person who carries it has received the two doses of vaccine..

Be careful, without this document we can also travel. The passport only facilitates the transit between EU countries , making the process much easier.

This is how you can apply for the COVID passport


There are two ways to get a COVID passport..

The first, through the official applications for this purpose of our community. For example, for Madrid we have 'Health Card' and for Andalusia, 'Salud Andalucía'. The best thing is that we do a search on Google to find out which one is ours.

The second, by going to this website, regardless of which autonomous community we are from. To do this, we have to enter the website of the Ministry of Health and make sure that we have 'Acceso Cl @ ve' or the digital certificate of the National Federation of Currency and Stamp.


Once inside the page, we must choose through which method we want to obtain the passport. Next, we will have to fill in all the information that they ask us and, in a certain time, we will receive by email a PDF with the COVID passport, which is nothing more than a QR code that proves that the vaccine has been received, it has been performed a negative test or the disease has been overcome.

This passport has been in force since July 1 .

These are the requirements that are asked

What, exactly, are the requirements for obtaining a COVID passport? People who have received the vaccine or those who have already had the disease and, therefore, have the antibodies naturally. Immunization can also be documented through a PCR with a positive result dated more than 11 days from the passport application .

Image | JESHOOTS.COM (cover), Lukas Souza (inside)

by (3.5m points)

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