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How to remove dressing up in Tik Tok

in Installation in Tik Tok by (552k points)
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How to make a video of dressing up in TikTok
TikTok Dress Up Video Ideas

Videos in which users use transitions are easier to promote. And one of the most popular is dressing up in Tik Tok..

In the video, the user first appears in one outfit, and then, after a sharp transition, the outfit changes dramatically. Such clips can be made in tandem with friends or on your own.

If you want to shoot a dress-up video for Tik Tok, in this article we will take a closer look at this transition and how to make it. In addition, we will give a couple of ideas for your videos..

How to make a video of dressing up in TikTok

To make such a clip, you need to go to TikTok and go to the video download section. To do this, tap the plus on the panel below. After that:

  1. Choose a duration for your video. To do this, press for 15 seconds or 60 seconds on the panel under the camera icon.
    If you choose 60 seconds, you can shoot a video for 30, 40, and 50 seconds. The same applies to the duration of 15 seconds - you can shoot a video with changing clothes for 10, 9 or 7 seconds.
  2. Click on the record clip button. Take off yourself in your original clothes - you can perform some movements to just not stand. You can also add two songs to one video.
  3. Then tap the button again and stop recording. Choose the right clothes and change into them. Then you need to stand in approximately the same position.
    Alternatively, you can jump to make the transition look more original, but to do this, you will have to end the previous recording with the way you jump.
  4. Take off yourself in new clothes and finish recording the video of the dressing up.
  5. Then go to the section of video processing in Tik Tok - there you can add text, song, effects and stickers.
  6. When done, move on to post. Decorate the video with hashtags for recommendations and add a caption.
  7. You can additionally select a picture or a moment from the clip for the cover of the clip in Tik Tok.
  8. Submit your work to Tik Tok.


TikTok Dress Up Video Ideas

If you figured out how to shoot these kind of videos, but still don't know what about, use these ideas:

  • take off yourself in home clothes, with tousled hair and no makeup. Continue shooting as you change into your going out clothes, put on your makeup, and style your hair. Better to finish the clip for Tik Tok on the street for more contrast or in a restaurant, club;
  • film a video with a friend or family. Here you can also create a contrast - first you are in home clothes, then on the weekend;
  • make a clip with the other half. Remove yourself and your partner in casual or party wear. Change things after the transition. It will look like a funny video - such trends were filmed by many Tiktokers and continue to this day;
  • if you are a cosplayer, like many bloggers, you can make a video dressing up as a character. To do this, take pictures of how you look in ordinary clothes, and then - as in a cosplay outfit;
  • try to stage. For example, it’s as if you’re at a party with your friends in regular outfit and disheveled hair, but then you see a beautiful girl or guy.
    And at that moment, make the transition, as if you changed into your best outfit in a second to conquer the person you like.

Be sure to read our blog post on how to make cool transitions in Tik Tok.

There are many similar options for Tik Tok - the main thing is to think about ideas for a few minutes. Over time, at first, banal plots will begin to appear, which each time will become more and more difficult..

Do not forget to write down ideas for Tik Tok so as not to lose them - moreover, it shows your progress.

It is better to shoot videos with dressing up in TikTok in pairs - they get more coverage. It is also easier for two to come up with an original idea.

The main thing is not to steal other people's stories - they will find out about it and accuse you of plagiarism. If you liked someone's visit, ask the author if his story can be used. If he approves, shoot such a clip, but mention the author in the description.

by (3.5m points)

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