We have all had one or another online purchase that we would not like anyone to know about, right? Then the best thing would be to hide orders on Amazon so as not to run any kind of risk that someone will see what we have bought..
Amazon has an option to hide orders or purchase history, we can hide up to 500 items and it is too easy to get. In this guide, we are going to see step by step everything we have to do to be able to hide all the orders that we want in the simplest way possible.
How to hide or archive orders on Amazon
The first thing we will have to do is go to the Amazon website and log in with our account. Then we will have to click on "Returns and Orders" located in the upper right corner of the screen..
In the list of purchases available from the "Your orders" section, we will have to find the order that we want to hide and click where it says "Archive order" on the right side.
A confirmation pop-up window will appear, we will have to click again on "File order" or "File". In this way we have already been able to archive the order and it will not appear again in the Amazon order history..
How to unarchive an order on Amazon
In case we want to see the hidden purchase in the complete list of orders, what we will have to do is click on "Account and lists" from the home page and then select "My account" or "Your account" in the menu. drop down.
Among all the sections that appear, we will have to click on "Archived orders" to be able to manage all the archived orders.
We can see the products that have been archived, if we look at the right side of this, the third option says "Unarchive order". We will simply have to click on that option and it will appear again in the Amazon order history.
Amazon order history cannot be deleted in any way. However, we can hide up to 500 orders from the history. Unfortunately, once this figure is reached, no more orders can be hidden again.