If you want to cancel your Sky subscription, you must contact Sky by phone, live chat or by mail. Please note that you must give two months' notice to the end of your contract. If you miss the end of your contract term, your subscription will be extended for a further 12 or 24 months before you can cancel again.
Termination by phone
The easiest way is to call the Sky's service hotline. This is as follows: 089 997 279 28 . All open questions will be answered there immediately and your cancellation can be processed immediately.
Cancel in live chat
You can also terminate your contract quickly in the live chat. Simply open the following link and log into Sky online with your data: https://www.sky.de/sky-login . If a customer advisor is available, the chat will open and you can describe your concern. Here, too, someone can take care of your termination immediately..
Send the letter of termination by post
You can also contact Sky by post. However, you must note that this method takes the longest to process. For the notice period of two months, the date on the letter does not apply, but only when it is received by Sky. So be careful not to miss the deadline. The address is as follows:
Sky Deutschland Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG
22033 Hamburg
Make sure that your letter contains all the necessary elements for a cancellation: your customer number, the wish to cancel on time and a signature. To be on the safe side, you can also ask for confirmation of receipt of the letter and cancellation immediately.