Do you want to block videos and content that are not suitable for children on YouTube? We'll show you how to activate parental controls in the app and browser..
To protect your children from certain content on YouTube, you can set up parental controls that you can activate both in the browser and in the app on the smartphone. Once parental controls have been activated, YouTube will filter out all videos whose video titles, descriptions and metadata contain potentially dangerous content for children. In addition, the creator can directly rate their video as "age restricted content", which means that these videos are hidden from the child. In our tips + tricks, we will show you how to activate the parental controls.
Follow our step-by-step instructions , the quick start guide or the explanatory video .
Follow our step-by-step instructions or take a look at the brief instructions ..
Note: Our instructions were carried out on an Android device, but work the same on the iPhone.
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