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We leave FeedBurner for Follow.it What does it mean?

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What is Follow.it
Follow.it vs Mailchimp, Aweber, FeedPress and others
Free and “unlimited” RSS to Email
Official website: Follow.it


Thanks to Google's Feedburner service , readers of this blog have been able to subscribe and receive news by email or email daily or every time it is published, which is technically known as the RSS to Email function . Thanks to this service we have more than 2000 readers by email!

Unfortunately, Feedburner and its functionality that allows Android Boss to deliver emails to its readers stopped working in July 2021 . That's why this article, as well as future posts will be delivered to our readers' inboxes by follow.it , the best alternative I've found to FeedBurner..

What is Follow.it


Follow.it is a comprehensive service, which offers a type of digital magazine for readers or end users, and on the other hand a type of subscription system, designed so that web page administrators or bloggers can provide their content to their readers. This is what I will talk about in the following lines.

Among other things, Follow.it provides the RSS to Email functionality which is what is needed for this blog and which from now on will take care of delivering an email to you every time I publish an article on the blog. You will receive an email like the one you see above, from follow.it, so do not delete or block it..

The service is very good and efficient, so you shouldn't have any problems. However, the branding of this service is quite invasive in my opinion, so don't be surprised to see the follow.it brand here and there within the email. But the title of the article is very clear inside, so there will be no problem clicking on it to read it.

If you subscribe to this blog as a new reader you will have more options than before. In addition to receiving the articles in your email, you can choose to receive them by Telegram. Or you can filter the topics of this blog, to receive only the articles that interest you..

So far in terms of news if you are a reader of Android Boss. That was partly the goal of this article: to inform you about this important change in handling subscriptions. Now, if you have a blog based on WordPress or other platforms, you probably want to keep reading.

Follow.it vs Mailchimp, Aweber, FeedPress and others

One of the best things about Follow.it is that, despite its excessive branding in emails (which you can optionally remove if you upgrade to their paid "Cool" or " Super Cool " versions), it's a free service, with no import the number of subscribers you have or how many times you publish or want to notify those contacts or subscribers per week (emails sent). That's what makes it the best option and the closest thing to Google Feedburner . In addition, once configured (which is also very easy and they give you all the information you need) you won't have to worry about the delivery of the emails, because as I said, their RSS to Mail system is in charge of reading your email feed. blog and pass it on to your subscribers. Just like how Feedburner works.

There are certainly many other email marketing services out there that also have the option of RSS to Email. , which interests us bloggers. One of the most famous and popular is Mailchimp and probably one of the best if you are willing to pay, because its free plan barely allows you to have 2000 total subscribers in the account (including those who are pending or who have not verified the subscription and are not receiving emails). You can make up to 2,000 shipments per day and 10,000 per month. It means that while you could deliver a daily newsletter to your 2,000 readers, you won't be able to do this more than 5 times a month (2,000×5=10,000, which is the monthly sending limit). You would have to adjust the delivery for a weekly newsletter, so that you deliver 8000 emails per month and do not exceed the limit.

I couldn't have used Mailchimp's free plan, because I have over 2,000 active subscribers and over 4,000 unverified subscribers, some recent who will probably verify at some point. Like I said, Mailchimp also counts inactive subscribers for you as illogical as it may seem, so it's not convenient. Even if you had just under 2,000 active subscribers, you would eventually exceed this limit, and Mailchimp's cheapest plan for that would be the 2,500 subscriber plan, which is around $30 per month and allows up to 25,000 monthly sends. Even paying that amount, I couldn't send an email to my subscribers every day, which I can do without a problem on follow.it and without paying a single penny.

The case is similar with other services that are very good and professional, but with prohibitive costs for my case. Aweber , Feedblitz , FeedPress , SendinBlue , Sender , MailJet , Constant Contact , Madmini , Nourish , Drip , Convert Kit , Feedio , GetResponse , MailerLite , ActiveCampaign , Moosend , among others. In some you will see that they limit the number of contacts, in others they limit the number of monthly emails, in others both cases. None suitable for me after extensive analysis of a lot of them. If you have a blog, in addition to prices and limits, you should also verify that they have an RSS to Email function so that you do not have to send emails manually. For example, Sender doesn't have that feature. It's too bad because their limits are pretty good in the free version and I was going to switch to them because of that.

Free and “unlimited” RSS to Email

If you have few subscribers, several of these email marketing services, including the famous MailChimp will be enough to get you started. You will be able to function as I said even adjusting the delivery of emails on a weekly basis instead of daily, but eventually depending on the growth of your website you will fall short and you will have to switch to payment plans. It is likely that the income generated by your page or blog is not enough to allow you that monthly payment, so if you have no other option, the free version of follow.it is one of the options that you can consider.

Official website: Follow.it

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