+4 votes
4 good APPS to learn to tune and sing

in Applications by (552k points)
reopened | 146 views

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perfect ear
Learn to sing, perfect pitch (iOS)
Sing Bot (iOS)
APPS to sing and train the ear


Singing is one of my motivations, in addition to the guitar . Unfortunately I've always been terrible at it, but over the months I've improved a bit, to the point that perhaps I can say I'm not so bad anymore. But to improve I have had to learn many things, as well as practice, practice and practice. During my training, there are some apps that have helped me in the process. If you are a fan of singing and you take it as a hobby, maybe my experience can help you..

The apps that I recommend below help to work mainly on the musical ear . You certainly have to vocalize for this, but the vocalization technique is something you'll need to know beforehand so you don't create an incorrect vocalization habit. I suggest the technique of Alfredo Kraus that is based on the letter "i" , that is, that you feel that all the vowels resonate or are felt in the same place where the letter "i" is felt. Or also, if it seems more understandable to you, the feeling that the voice is born at the point where the palate ends, as Areh , one of the best singing instructors on the internet , indicates in this video .

perfect ear

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This app has sections for listening and rhythm training, as well as preset exercises and theory. In ear training, you will be able to practice everything related to intervals, as well as scales and chords. Of all the resources it offers, the most interesting option, in my opinion, is the singing of scales. Perhaps it is the only application that allows you to train scale singing with feedback, that is, you sing the scale, and the application notifies you if you have done it well or badly. It's like a virtual teacher that evaluates whether you hit the notes on the scale.

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The free version of the app comes with preset scales for singing but if you're just starting out you'll probably want to buy the paid version which costs 3.99 and allows you to create scales with fewer notes or just root notes to make it easier for you. You can start by creating scales of only two notes and then increase the number of notes..

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If you're just starting out singing and you can't sing a single note (much less several, such as scales), then in the same app go to the Exercises section and use the Singing Notes Trainer, which is also with feedback. Once you've mastered singing one note at a time, you can move on to the Singing Scales exercise, to practice singing multiple notes. After all, singing is simply playing existing musical notes.


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The tuner is not only necessary for the guitar . The voice must also be tuned, that is, accustom the brain to always find one of the 7 fundamental notes or their variants. Anything in between is out of tune and sounds bad. The idea then is that your voice always hits one of the notes shown on the tuner. There are plenty of tuners on Google Play. My favorite is the one in the link but you can also try this chromatic tuner that works the same just with another presentation..

Learn to sing, perfect pitch (iOS)

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Let's say that you have learned to hit the correct notes every time and also accurately vocalize the scales of the Oído Perfecto app. Maybe you're ready to try your singing. This application, among other things, has songs that evaluate your performance in real time , that is, it offers feedback on each note of the song. So, when the song ends you will know how many notes you hit or what percentage you missed. It's like a karaoke app, but with a professional rating or evaluation system.

Its downside is that it requires an Apple Music subscription for this functionality. Also, there are only a handful of songs available, and of those some are not usable in some countries.

Sing Bot (iOS)

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This is probably one of the best apps to practice singing. It is similar to the previous one, with preset melodies, which also monitors each note you make. With the on-screen visual guide you can see which notes you're hitting and which ones you're missing. Also another variant of karaoke app with a powerful evaluation system for each note.

Unfortunately, this is an app that costs $11.99 per month. It does not offer any free features. Everything it has is very good, albeit at a relatively high cost. Vanido was another app of this type, at a much better price, but unfortunately it was discontinued and no longer exists in the APP Store.

APPS to sing and train the ear

In short, these apps are intended to help improve your singing and hearing or tuning, things that really go hand in hand or are even one. Obviously behind singing there are other skills that need to be perfected, such as breathing, sense of rhythm or tempo, diction, intonation and accent, etc., which you can work on while vocalizing and listening with these mobile applications.

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