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Marketing strategies to attract customers

in Socialmedia by (552k points)
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1 Steps to follow to create a good social media marketing strategy to attract customers
2 Strategies to attract customers on social networks
3 Tips to attract customers through social networks

If we think of one of the main objectives of any company, surely the focus is to attract customers. If we attract customers, we are making our brand or company known to a larger audience, we are positioning our company in the market and in our sector, as well as obtaining a better positioning and being better valued..


In summary, whatever your brand or company, an essential element to be successful is to make yourself known, that is, that people know us and know what we do. Marketing is one of the main means that we can use in order to make ourselves known and attract customers to our brand, products or services and that is why we are going to delve into the idea of ​​how to use social network marketing to attract and draw the attention of our customers


What is a marketing strategy to attract customers?



In summary, a marketing strategy with the objective of attracting clients could be defined as all the actions planned and carried out with the objective of promoting our brand, product or service to later carry out an analysis of results by monitoring the same. This way we can see what our strengths are and where we are failing to improve our strategy and achieve better results.


It is important to keep in mind that for a marketing strategy to attract customers to be successful, far from what it may seem, you must avoid trying to sell a product at all costs. This is achieved by integrating value to our brand or company and providing solutions to the people who would be part of our potential audience; that is, the sector of the public that, due to its characteristics, identifies more with the type of product or service that we sell..


For this reason, a well-designed marketing strategy will not only focus on the process of buying and selling that product or service, but on the entire process that goes before it: the launch, contact with consumers, the knowledge of how this product or service can bring benefits and improvements in your life and ultimately, the sale of it to the consumer.


What is a good marketing strategy to attract customers?



  • It's creative.
  • It has a big impact with the lowest possible cost.
  • Seek to impact the buyer person of your business.
  • With actions dedicated specifically to our market niche, the chances of success will be much greater.


What is a marketing strategy in Social Media?



We could define a social media marketing strategy as the means that a company will use to achieve a series of objectives that it has previously established in its plan using social networks for this.


For this, our company should have a presence in the social networks that it considers best suited to the objectives and the public we want to reach in order to use it as a means to do so. For this reason, we will need to clearly develop a strategy and develop an action plan with measurable objectives and clear goals using the social profiles that the company has as a means..


Before starting, we must take into account that it will be necessary to know the possible strategies that you can apply, but you must also value the type of business you have and that not all of them, if applied, will obtain the same success. For this reason, before getting down to work, we are going to have to look at the following factors that are decisive when planning our marketing strategy to attract customers.


What should I take into account when creating a strategy to attract customers?



  • The market in which your company or brand operates.
  • The target audience for the product or service you offer.
  • Trends in your area of ​​activity.
  • The actions that have already been developed and their results.
  • The results you want to obtain once you have developed your marketing strategy.
  • The conversion rates of the different channels you are using.


1 Steps to follow to create a good social media marketing strategy to attract customers

Now that we know the basic concepts and the importance of drawing up a good marketing strategy that helps us achieve our objectives, it will be necessary to follow a series of concrete steps for this to be carried out successfully.


For this reason, below we will explain in an orderly manner the steps to follow so that when drawing up your marketing strategy you do it in the most efficient way possible and thus achieve better results.


Step 1: Define your audience
Knowing what sector of consumers our audience is, we will make our message stronger and thus make our goal of attracting and making ourselves known to new customers easier. He understands that it is essential to know who we are addressing so that our message fully penetrates the person who listens to us.


Step 2: Set goals
That is, we must be very clear about exactly what we want to achieve with our actions. This is essential for two reasons:
  • The first is that having a clear objective will make it easier for us to draw up the specific strategy that we are going to follow to achieve it.
  • The second is that, in this way, it will be easier to measure the objectives once the plan has been executed to find out if the strategy has worked successfully and we have achieved the proposed objectives.


Step 3: Design the strategy
This is where the plan will be drawn up in a specific way with all the actions that will compose it in order to reach the objective that we have proposed. The different aspects that are part of the strategy include the following:
  • Action plan.
  • What are we going to publish?
  • Publication formats.
  • Social networks in which we are going to publish


At this point, we are going to explain in a more developed way how to carry out this third part to find out what are the key aspects when designing a strategy on social networks with the aim of attracting customers. Here we present it to you:


How to carry out your marketing strategy to attract customers on social networks


1. Trace the content strategy, it is important to take into account for this that it must combine that it is a content of value that generates interest in whoever looks at it and that at the same time speaks clearly about who we are and what our message is.


2.Create your community on social networks. Your community on social networks will be made up of the people who follow you and will allow you to be in constant interaction with them. It will also allow you to know what their likes and interests are, as well as what their problems or concerns are. All this information will help you connect with these people in a much more personalized and special way.


3.Create ad campaigns on different social networks. For this, we must take into account the temperatures of our audiences, which we will explain below:

  • Cold public: Consumer profile that does not know us and with which we are going to connect in the first instance.
  • Warm public: Consumer profile that knows our brand, but is not yet a customer.
  • Hot public: That public that knows who we are and what we offer, it is possible that they have already purchased some of our products or have been about to purchase them.
4.Use marketing automation. This will help us to automate all the steps that a consumer can follow from the moment they know us as a brand until they become our client by purchasing one of our products or services.


5. Also implement co-marketing. Collaborating with other brands with which we are compatible due to factors, we will also be opening ourselves up to the potential public and to the customers of that specific brand, which seems like a great opportunity to attract customers.


An example of co-marketing that we can mention is Sturbucks and Spotify: Spotify played in cafeterias in the US, chain employees received a Premium subscription in the App and by having a Premium subscription they accessed certain benefits and offers in the cafeteria .


6. Use Social Selling. We could define this as the use of different social networks in order to connect with our potential customers, arouse their interest, have a brand presence in them and, as a consequence of all this, sell more. This is done by creating valuable content for users and generating trust and interest in our brand.


Use the different social networks or the social networks in which your target audience is located to generate interaction among your potential potential customers, through questions, debates, etc... Tell them about who you are and how you can help them in various situations. This will ultimately lead to these kinds of people becoming customers of your brand.


2 Strategies to attract customers on social networks

Now, we are going to explain some specific actions that you can carry out through social networks in order to have greater visibility and attract customers. Go for it:




Investment in Social Ads
That is, publish content on social networks and apply a budget or monetary promotion to them. This way you will be able to reach a much broader audience than your followers and make segmentations taking advantage of the characteristics of the ad managers to reach the type of user that we want specifically.


For a small investment, the possibility of reaching the people we want and potential consumers becomes much greater, for this reason the opportunity to invest in Social Ads is something that you should not waste.

Creation of promotions
We can use the power of social networks to carry out promotions or actions in which people have to intervene. This, in addition to reinforcing brand recognition within the social network, will generate engagement as it will make people interact much more with your content.


Some specific actions of this type that you can carry out on social networks are:

  • Surveys: Ask your followers if they prefer one option or another and have them comment why.
  • Contests: Offer a first, second and third prize in exchange for the best photo, the best comment, the best phrase... etc...
  • Raffles: We can raffle prizes among the participants in exchange for them taking an action on the social profile.
  • Offer discounts: By sharing content or clicking a link, offer a discount code that can be entered in online purchases
These are some of the actions that people can take, but surely by reviewing social profiles of similar powerful brands you can see many other concepts or ideas that encourage interactions within your brand's social network.


A trick that you can take advantage of is to use specific dates: Christmas, Father's or Mother's Day, vacations... to create some action related to this date, and the interaction of people will be much greater by combining both factors.


Generate interesting and viral content
If we know anything about content that is viral within social networks, it is that it spreads like wildfire. By creating viable content, we make people share this content why not, and thanks to this fact we will be gaining visibility and presence of our brand on social networks thanks to our followers.


Use direct messages within Social Networks
Direct messages give us the opportunity to contact and address a specific person in an individualized, personalized and, above all, private way. For this reason, you can take advantage of private messages to individually offer an offer, a discount code, content or anything else that you think can be valued by the consumer. Don't miss out on this opportunity.


Do not forget to personalize the message and address the person you are sending this message to directly: Address them by name, show an offer or discount on products of interest, etc...


Join communities, groups, and social media chats.
Look for the sites where you can find what are called "Potential Clients" and be part of these sites, being active on them. A trick for this is to search the different social networks for the keywords that you think this type of client will use to find a product or service like yours. In the results that appear from this search will be the sites in which you should integrate, since the market segment you want to target is here.

Use related hashtags
Take advantage of hashtags related to the theme of your brand to be able to attract the attention of users and have more visibility.

Combination of the above
With all the different strategies you have, now you can put them on the table and combine some of them to get better results: We can, for example, run a contest, promote it with social ads, create a specific hashtag for that contest… This is just a example, but the possibilities are endless.


Don't forget to measure results
Once you carry out different strategies in social networks, do not forget to measure the results to see which of them work best with your audience and with which you obtain worse results. Measure which type of publication generates more visibility, more shares, more likes, more subscribers... Once you have measured this, depending on what your objectives are, use one strategy or another in social networks.


3 Tips to attract customers through social networks

Now that you know the importance of a marketing strategy in social networks, because we must attract customers through this method and different techniques to do so, we are going to present some advice or tips that will help you achieve the objective you are looking for with this action. of marketing. Some of these are:


listen to customers
When a customer asks you a question about your product, or an observation, go directly to him asking for his question or problem and giving him an answer or solution through social media. Thus, users through this social channel will have a closer view of your brand.

Also interact with new customers
The interaction with people who already use your product is important for what we have already discussed, but also with new customers, that is, people who are not yet. In this way, we will improve the connection with them, they will feel valued from an emotional point of view and it will be easier for them to feel identified with our product or service.


Address each person in an individualized and personalized way
In this way, we will make the person who is interacting with us feel unique and important. It is important that you call them by name and that you offer them the answer to the specific question they have or the solution to the problem that they have exposed to us. In this way they will also feel important and special and their bond with the brand will be strengthened.


Transmits confidence

This can be done with various actions, such as:
  • Expose before and after using a product on a person.
  • Explain the advantages of your product or service compared to other similar ones in the market.
  • Use feedback from people who have used your product or service.
  • Client interview.
  • Resolves frequently asked questions or doubts from customers.


Take care of the design
Remember that everything you post must be consistent with the rest of the content you post on your social network. Maintain the corporate colors in your posts so that clients identify what you post with your brand and to maintain cohesiveness between the posts of your profile in the social network that you publish.


Have a presence on the social network
To have a presence on a social network, your presence must be noticed in it (forgive the redundancy) and this can only be achieved by being constant when publishing. Adapt to the rhythm of the social network in which you are publishing, since some ask for a daily update while in others our presence with 3-4 weekly publications will be fine.


There is nothing that gives a worse impression within a social network than the impression that it is abandoned.

Share and create valuable content
It is important that consumers have the impression that the information we provide them is really something valuable and that it will help them, and it is in this way that we will be able to add value to our brand.


For example, if we create a Blog and keep it updated, we will be able to inform our audience of news, but we can also become a benchmark in our sector if we do things the right way.


Check what competing companies are doing on Social Networks
This will give us very valuable information about how these brands are managing their social networks and how we can take advantage of this information. We can see what actions are being carried out in the different profiles successfully and which ones are not working and take advantage of this information to our advantage when developing our strategy.


Make your customers smile
When we provoke a positive attitude in a person, they will be more predisposed to see and listen to what we want to tell them. So it seems a good idea that the way to show our products and services is inspiring or to present ourselves to the client in a slightly less formal way, and more fun and casual (while still being serious and professional).


Use the power of images
As the saying goes "A picture is worth a thousand words". And it is that many times what captures our attention as consumers is an image, which must be attractive and striking. Then we must accompany it with the appropriate text to arouse the interest of the consumer and that our message clearly reaches them.


With these points, you already know what a marketing strategy is to attract customers and the different actions that you can develop on social networks to do so, as well as the steps to follow in the process in an orderly manner. Now, with all this in mind, all you have to do is get down to work thinking about what type of product or service is, what sector you are targeting and start putting your strategy into action.

by (3.5m points)

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