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Link Building: Strategy and measuring results

in SEO by (552k points)
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1 How to make a Link Building campaign
2 Metrics in ahrefs to analyze our links
3 Create a Link Building campaign
4 Measure Link Building Results

A good Link Building strategy will make our page improve in the SERP search results and increase its domain authority. The first thing that we must be very clear about when starting our Link Building strategy is what this concept is and what it is for. It is also interesting to know the advantages of carrying out a good Link Building strategy and to know how to detect a good backlink for our site..


All this will be explained in the first chapter of the Link Building course, and you can access it or review it if you have already seen it in the following link.



That is why we must be clear about the process that we must follow to carry out our strategy when creating a Link Building campaign for a website, so that it is effective and the time we invest in it is of benefit. Next we will see what steps we must follow to do this and how to analyze our links with the ahrefs tool..


In our Link Building course we have used the ahrefs tool, but you can use others such as Semrush or Moz to execute this type of action.


What is ahrefs?
ahrefs is an SEO tool that is used to analyze and optimize your website for search engine positioning. Thanks to it we will be able to analyze the quality and quantity of links on our website. It identifies the different links that point to our website, internal links and also those links that we have broken so that we can work with them, among other functions for SEO positioning.


We must bear in mind that ahrefs qualifies domains by metrics similar to those we are seeing throughout the Link Building course, such as domain authority and page authority, but in this case we see that this tool has named them as follows mode.

  • UR – URL Rating (UR) is a metric that shows how strong a destination URL's backlink profile is on a scale of 1 to 100. Generally speaking, each page passes its rating score to all pages. pages to which it links. If you analyze a domain, the UR of the home page is shown
  • DR: Domain Rating (DR) is a metric that shows the strength of the overall backlink profile of a given website. Generally speaking, each domain splits its rating equally among the domains it links to. Domain Rating (DR) shows the strength of the target website's link profile compared to others in the database on a 100-point scale.





Next we will see what we must take into account when creating our Link Building strategy and all the tools that ahrefs offers us for it..


1 How to make a Link Building campaign

A link building campaign is the process of increasing the number of links directed to your web page, which will usually be accompanied by some type of overall objective. For this we are going to use the content that we have on the site so that we are linked in content of our niche, news, blogs, etc. For this we must take into account the following points.


To establish objectives
It is important that we know what our main objectives are in the Link Building campaign that we want to carry out. In this way we will be ensuring more chances of success. In addition, you should also take into account that this strategy is based on the overall success of your website and not, for example, just on one page.


The objectives must be realistic since we must take into account that getting links is going to take time and that the results will not be immediate but we will see them over time since the fact of getting links must be little by little and gradually natural. These objectives should focus on interests that are realistic and that of course will favor our website.


Define what type of links you need
When defining the strategy for your link building campaign, you need to analyze the types of links you want to get.
  • Links to your main page
  • Links to “internal” pages (such as a product or category page)
  • Links that contain the name of your brand or company
  • Links that contain the keywords you are looking for


Select the desired audience
Another of the objectives that you must be clear about is the audience you want for your links. To do this, think about issues related to the content you create. For example, let's say you have a healthy cat food page and you've made a post about it. Who may be interested in this?
  • cat food blogger
  • Cat food sales pages
  • cat pages
  • Pages of healthy food for animals:


These are examples of pages that may be interested in our content. Once we have this, we must look for that type of website to offer our post.


Look for objectives for your Links
For this you must be clear about the people you want to contact and that this effort is going to be really worth it. If you contact random people, surely the results will not be as expected. It is therefore important to consider who is going to be interested.


Remember that the content you create must be interesting for readers, so that other pages want to share it.


Analyze the other pages
To select the pages you want to contact, you must also keep in mind what kind of sites you want to be linked to, based on certain criteria. At this point you should take into account the following:
  • By domain metrics, for example assessing the Domain Authority.
  • By the influence of the blogger, for example, the number of followers on social networks
  • By the probability of linking



Possibility of generating a link
Another point that we must consider in our Link Building strategy is to recognize and assess the possibilities and options that we have to get a backlink from a certain page. You should try to assess how likely they are to link to your content. To do this you can try to answer a series of questions.
  • Have you shared external content before?
  • What is the relevance to my content?
  • Is it easy to get in touch with the responsible person?
  • Is this website active and have you made a post in the last month?






2 Metrics in ahrefs to analyze our links

With the above clear, we can make use of our tool to analyze links, in our case ahrefs, from which you will be able to see different data that will help you with this analysis and with which you will be able to measure the results of your Link strategy. Building.


Once you enter the tool, you have to access the site explorer section and enter your site or the one you want to analyze. Once here, you will see that within the link profile section you have the following options.

  • links
  • broken links
  • Referring domains
  • anchor text
  • internal links
  • Referring IPs
  • intersection of links


Next we will analyze each of these sections to see how to use these functions and what each of them is for.




At the top of all the options, you have different options and filters, to analyze these links based on the preferences you have and order them according to your established criteria.


From the links section you will be able to see all the links that you have pointing to your website.




If you want to know the most recent, you must click on "New" or establish the period for which you want to analyze what new backlinks you have received on your website.


broken links
Broken links show us those links that no longer work since that website can no longer be consulted on the Internet. With this type of links you can create a redirection to a page that does work or take advantage of that content to create a new one. In this way we can detect and improve those links that are not working on our site, since having them is harming us.





Referring domains
The referring domains in ahrefs show us those domains in which we have been linked so that in this way we can analyze those websites that are linking us. As we can see in the results they are ordered by domain authority. From the upper part we will be able to select the order we want, such as doing it through the most current websites, to know this last data.





anchor text
Anchor text is a word or phrase that is marked within a text and contains a link to other content. By clicking on that text, we will be redirected to another page. From ahrefs we will be able to see the anchor text that the links that have been placed for us and our own internal ones have, to see if they have been executed correctly.




To find out more about how we should make use of the anchor text and what to take into account when using it, review the chapter of the Link Building course that explains in detail what it is and how to use it.



internal links
In addition to all the links that other pages have placed pointing to your content, you will be able to see those links that you have internally within your content. In this way you will be able to check if you are taking advantage of the potential of those pages that you have better positioned, to give value to the new that is being created.


To learn more about all the options and benefits of internal linking on your website, don't miss out on the chapters on how to do internal links correctly and what they are for.





Referring IPs
This report groups all the referring pages and domains by the IP address of each website and by the subnet to which this IP belongs. Here we will be able to differentiate 3 metrics.
  • Live: This index contains only active links
  • Recent: This index contains the active and recently lost links (ie those that were active in the last 3-4 months)
  • Historical: The index contains all active and lost backlinks. Our historical data goes back to March 2013.






intersection of links
In this report, you'll see who links to one or more domains, URLs, subdomains (eg blog.domain.com), or subfolders (eg domain.com/blog), but not another. In this way you will be able to analyze the domains that your competition has in common, but that you do not have, for example.





These are the metrics that we can analyze from the ahrefs tool in relation to all the links that we have and that we receive on our site, in order to be able to execute different actions and make decisions based on this data to improve the Link Building of our website.


3 Create a Link Building campaign

If we want to create a Link Building campaign for our website, we must first take into account a series of factors such as those we have just seen in the first point, in addition to all the strategies that have been developed during the Link Building course. . With this clear, we are going to analyze an example to be able to see this in a more practical and detailed way.


Find a good theme
Before starting with the Link Building strategy for a content, you must select what type of content you want to offer to other pages to get backlinks. To do this, you must analyze the one you have already created or create a new one based on these purposes.


To begin, we must have done a previous study on those keywords that we want to position or what topic would be interesting for us to talk about. This study takes time and effort. To know all the steps that we must follow in this first point, it is important that we know how to do a keyword study. To do this, we first suggest that you access the chapter on how to do Keyword Research and Investigate Keywords from our course on Keywords on the Web and YouTube.



Find pages that have linked to that term
Let's say that after doing our keyword analysis, we've decided that the term we want to rank for and get linked to is "remove yahoo from chrome".


You will now see the pages that are ranking for that keyword in the middle of the analysis. Pick up those URLs or download this document to keep it handy.




Now that you know the pages that you have as your competition, you should analyze the links that have linked them to see if you could also get a back link to your content in the event that they are of quality and with good rank authority. To do this, put this url in the site explorer and give it to analyze. You will see which pages have linked this content, to analyze if it is interesting for your site. In the event that this is the case, collect those websites to request that they put a link to you





Find pages that have linked to a topic
Another of the options that we have to execute our Link Building campaign is to do it by analyzing those pages that have been linked based on a theme. In this way we will be finding opportunities for websites that are interested in this subject to put links. For this we must do the following.


The first thing will be to place yourself in the Keyword Explorer section and put the keyword or keywords on the topic you want to discuss.




Now you have to scroll down to the bottom results where you will see "SERP" Results Page Summary. Within this data you will see all the pages that have received links for that keyword. Once here you should analyze which pages have gotten the most links, but always that they are related to your market niche. In this case, for example, we are going to discard the first one since it is the official Windows download site, so it does not offer similar content to the possible posts that we are going to create.


In this case, we select site number 6, which has content similar to the one we created and has received 7 links for this keyword. We click on it.




Now we put in the site explorer, this URL to be able to analyze it.




To analyze these results, click on the anchor text and we will see the sites that have linked this content, and the anchor text used for it.




If we click on that link, we will see the data of the page that has placed the backlink and we can decide if it is of quality and we are interested in getting a link from them.





It is important that we assess the pages to which we want to request a backlink, always based on quality criteria such as domain and page authority. We must also remember that its theme must always be related to ours and that our content is of interest to its readers.


Find contact information
Once you have selected the pages that you want to "attack" for new links, it is important that you find a way to contact them effectively. Next we will see different options to get the contact of those websites with which we want to negotiate a link.
  • Test possible email addresses
In general, most companies have some type of corporate email that is usually associated with the name and surname of each employee. If you know your target's first name, last name, and domain, you can guess their email address.


The most common formats for an email address are:

 [email protected] 
However, analyzing all the variables can be expensive work. That is why for this you can make use of Email Permutator+ since it automatically creates a list of possible email addresses.


Just fill in the fields and see the email options offered.



  • Check the contact information on the page
In general, all the pages have a contact section, from which you will be able to write an email. The truth is that it is more difficult to contact the person responsible, but it is possible that if your message is of interest to the site, it ends up reaching the right person. Usually this is found in the footer of the web. You can also check if the website has a section on who its members are and from there find out their names and perhaps their emails.






  • Find his email on LinkedIn
Another option you have to discover the contact of the CEO of a page is to get it through LinkdIn. Many people have this information on their profile, and in the event that this is not the case, you always have the possibility of contacting them through this social network.






Remember that when writing the message, your message should be detailed enough to explain why they should listen to you, but also short enough for them to read it completely.


Before writing your message, you should keep in mind the following points:

  • Highlight your value and why they should link to your content
  • You must be clear in your message and specify what you are requesting
  • It shows that your page is not Spam and that your content is of quality and will add value to theirs.



4 Measure Link Building Results

Once we have carried out our Link Building strategy, it is important that we pay attention to the results that we are obtaining from it, to check if it has been effective or, on the contrary, it has not had the desired impact for us. To measure this, we are going to look at different metrics, so that later we can make a global analysis of them.


Compare our domain authority
It is important that after a while, we check if the domain authority of our site has risen, since this will be a clear indicator that our Link Building strategy is working. For this we can check this data as we have already commented during the course, through Moz or from the free ahref checker to measure domain authority.




In this way you will be able to see if this data has improved or what has been its evolution since you started the Link Building strategy until now.


Analyze the number of links received in a content
It is possible that we have created content with the intention of being linked to other pages and we have applied different Link Building strategies for this. To check the links that you have received both naturally and those that we have requested personally, we can do it through ahrefs. To do this you must do the following.


Enter "Site Explorer" and enter the URL you want to check.




Once analyzed, click on the links tab and you will see all the internal and external links that this content has received.


In this way you will be able to see if the pages that have linked it are of quality and if those websites with which you have contacted appear.




In this case we see that the backlinks that we currently have pointing to that content appear, but also the lost links. We can access these lost links to see what the reason is and try to recover them if we consider it appropriate.


Once this has been analyzed, we will be able to assess whether or not the effort applied to that URL with our Link Building strategy has been worth it. In any case, we must analyze why.


Analyze new links on our website
Once our Link Building strategy has been executed, it is important that we analyze the new backlinks that we have on our website, so that in this way we can see if they are due to our strategy and what type of content is working best for it.


To check this, we must do the following:


Enter "Site Explorer" and put the domain you want to check.




Now go to the links tab and within the options at the top you must click on "New" so that in this way all the new links included in your site appear in chronological order, and you can see this data for your analysis.




From here you will be able to see if the number of new links and their quality based on the period of time compared, to check if these data have improved based on the expected results.


improve results
Once we have analyzed our results, we can carry out different strategies to try to improve them. For this we can do the following.
  • Negotiate with pages where we have been asked to exchange links and see if we can reach an agreement that benefits both.
  • Send a reminder to those pages that did not respond or that left us waiting, to see if there is a possibility of achieving it.


Once you have executed your strategy and evaluated the result over time, you will be able to get ideas of those actions that have benefited you the most and which have less, to take an execution pattern in the following Link Building strategies that you apply for your if you. In this way you can improve and be more productive when carrying out the different actions.

by (3.5m points)

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