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Link Building Analysis and Strategy | How to do Link Building

in SEO by (552k points)
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1 What factors to take into account to design a Link Building strategy
2 Steps for an effective Link Building strategy
3 Techniques for a Link Building Strategy
4 How to find mentions of our Site without a link

We have already seen in previous chapters of the LinkBuilding course, that having both incoming and outgoing links and between our own content, is an essential strategy within SEO, since links are among one of the 3 main web positioning factors..


Increasing organic traffic is undoubtedly one of the main objectives of any page, since it is natural traffic for which we do not have to pay, and which can bring us new potential customers for our services or content.


Establishing a good Link Building strategy for our site is essential if we want it to position itself better and be more visible to users. In this way we will make ourselves known to a greater extent and we will receive more visits to our posts..


That is why there are different techniques that we must carry out so that our strategy is as complete as possible and therefore we obtain good results in relation to our work. The first thing we must take into account is the domain authority of the page where we want our link to be placed, as we have seen in the chapter on the characteristics of a good backlink. Remember that we have tools like Moz to check this.


What is a link building campaign?
A link building campaign is the technique used to increase links on our website, generally seeking the objective of increasing our domain authority, web traffic and visibility in the SERP. For this, the content of the web or its products and services will be used.


There are tons of ways to get links. That is why, depending on your niche and the competition, you will have to be more aggressive and apply different techniques to obtain it.


That said, we are going to analyze the strategies that we can carry out to correctly execute the Link Building for our website. We will see what steps we must follow to correctly carry out a link building marketing strategy and how to carry out a link building analysis..


1 What factors to take into account to design a Link Building strategy

When we start a Link Building strategy we must take into account a series of factors that we must meet in order for the result to be satisfactory. These are different points that we must take into account and always keep in mind so that when placing our backlinks, we do it in the best possible and most productive way.


Quality before quantity
This is something that we must always keep in mind since, as we have already seen in other chapters of the Link Building course, Google rewards the quality of the links much more than the quantity. That is why when creating our strategy, it is better that we focus on getting backlinks on quality pages with high domain authority, than on getting many backlinks on pages that are worthless or that even Google can reach. penalize us. Remember, in this case less is more.


Don't be in a hurry to get backlinks
If it is true that having backlinks is very important, we should not be in a hurry to get all of them in a short space of time, since Google will classify this as something unnatural. That is why it is better that you get them little by little and always in the most natural way possible.


Look for links in domains similar to your topic
Another important factor for the links you place to be well seen by Google is coloring them on pages that are from your same market niche or that this post is directly related to the theme of your content. In this way, the link will be considered useful for the user and Google will see it favorably since you are providing extra and valuable information.


Use link groups
It is interesting that when you have created content on your website, you look for all the related links, so that in this way they feed back on each other. This will cause other posts that have more specific keywords to link to this more general content. This will make both of you feel strengthened and have extra information.


Remember that not all links are good
If our Link Building strategy is not good and clear, we can fall into Google's penalties for not having real or good links. For this we must take into account the following:
  • Do not do an excessive exchange of links
  • Be very careful with paid links
  • Do not use link farms
  • comment spam
  • private blog network
  • Links from low-quality directories or unreliable websites
  • Use automated link building services






2 Steps for an effective Link Building strategy

To make an effective Link Building strategy, it is necessary to do a detailed analysis of the existing links and develop a suitable strategy. Next we are going to see the main steps to carry out a Link Building analysis and strategy correctly, which will provide us with good results.


Perform a link audit
It is important to analyze the existing external and internal links on your website to identify broken or toxic links that may be affecting the authority of the domain and the positioning of the site. For this you can use tools such as Google Search Console, Ahrefs to perform a link audit.


Identify link opportunities
Search for websites related to your website content and identify linking opportunities. Use search tools, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and perform specific searches to find relevant websites.


Create high-quality content
Create valuable and relevant content for your website that can attract other websites to link to it. You can create content such as infographics, guides, articles, videos, among others.


Establish relationships with sites in your niche
Contact the owners of the websites that interest you and establish relationships with them. It is important to offer a reason why the link to your website might be useful to your visitors.


Check your links
Monitor external links pointing to your website to ensure they are of high quality and relevance. It is important to keep a check on that, so as not to have low-quality or harmful links on your site.


Maintain constant activity
Link Building is an ongoing process and it can take time to get quality, relevant external links. That is why you must keep the strategy active to improve the results.




3 Techniques for a Link Building Strategy

In addition to the factors that we have just seen to take into account for our link building strategy, we have to carry out different actions to get new backlinks that point to our website. Next we will see different strategies that we can carry out for this. In this way you will be able to get backlinks for your website in a simple and free way, making Google interpret these types of links naturally.


Guest Post
Undoubtedly, one of the most popular and widespread techniques in Link Building strategies is to make a Guest Post, which is to write as a guest author on websites that have a better domain authority than yours or very similar and that have the same theme as yours. site or related. The objective of creating this type of content is to get an authority link for your website.


Advantages of making a Guest Post
There are several advantages for which we must make a Guest Post, such as the following:

  • You will get good referral traffic because if the blog in which you publish has a high number of daily visits, you will see that yours grow quickly. This will mean that your content will be visible to new audiences.
  • You will gain subscribers to be able to send them emails with your content and thus reach more people.
  • The links you get from guest posts will strengthen the authority of your website and grow. In addition, it will also help you position yourself with certain keywords.
  • Another of the advantages of the Guest Post is that you are going to create a brand image and it is also interesting that you establish relationships with other people in the sector, to carry out collaborations whenever it is beneficial for both.


But we must take into account a series of criteria to carry out this technique and perform it correctly. To do this, you must pay attention and carry out a search for blogs in which to collaborate in the following way.


How to carry out a good Guest Post strategy
To carry out a good Guest Post strategy, you must take into account the following:

  • Investigate the blogs that interest you: The first thing you should do is find and select those blogs that are of interest to you and that are related to a topic. To do this, browse and search for this type of web pages using the keywords that you are interested in positioning for example. These blogs must be about your theme or something related, for example, if you sell sportswear, a page for training. Check that its content is of quality and that it is well written. To do this, also assess whether the audience of that blog interests you and has a strong and faithful community.
  • Make a good selection of the topic you want to talk about: It is very important that you be clear about the type of content that you are going to offer to another blog to post on it, being clear that it must be something of interest but that at the same time attract new readers to your content since your goal is to receive new visitors who want to read your post. To do this, you can search for keywords related to that blog but that do not have them positioned.
  • Make sure you have quality content published: For other bloggers to want you to post for them, you must demonstrate that the content you publish is of quality. For this, it is important that your contents are updated and optimized so that they are attractive in the eyes of the authors of the blogs in which you wish to make a guest post.
  • Good selection of links: Correctly select the links that you are going to include in the post that you write pointing to your page, making sure that it will be content that interests readers, these links being always natural and relevant.
  • Quality writing: It is very important to take care of the writing in this type of post, since it will be the reflection of your brand image. It also uses simple language that helps the reader understand the topic. In the case of more complex terms you can add extra explanations or rely on audiovisual content. Distribute the paragraphs in the appropriate way so that it attracts the reader visually. You can cite experts or official pages that complement the content.
  • Analyze the content already created: Analyze the content created in the blog where you are going to publish in order to adapt to the needs of your readers and write something that you know they will really like and will be consumed by the users who enter the post. . Use the same line as the main author.
  • Remember to create content that catches the reader and not scare him away by making an exaggerated self-promo of your blog or content during the post.
  • Contact by email: Contact by email through a personalized email with the other person with whom you want to collaborate. Offer two or three related topics that you can talk about, that that channel does not have positioned. You can also offer to make the content that they propose in the event that your proposals do not fit.


Mistakes you can make in a guest blog
Remember that it is very important that you review this type of post in detail, and avoid making different mistakes such as the following:

  • Include too many links or links that have no value to the reader
  • Writing about uninteresting topics or excessively promoting your business
  • Do not use it just as a way to get backlinks but as an opportunity to give visibility to your content
  • Remember to choose a blog that has users who can be your potential customers






Improve content that already exists
Another way to carry out a good Link Building strategy is to optimize the content that we already have created, so that in this way it positions itself better and is more attractive so that other pages want to link it and in this way we get backlinks.
To optimize your content you can update it or include new content that is interesting and complements what already exists. It is important that the information to be included is relevant and that you have the keywords placed correctly.


Remember that we have a keyword course so you can see different strategies on content optimization and the good use of Keywords.


Post comments on Q&A sites
Another of the opportunities we have to naturally place links on other sites is to do so by answering questions that have been published on websites with a good domain authority. In this case, you will be able to place links in the answers you make, as long as they answer the questions that the reader has.


Among the most popular questions and answers pages we find Yahoo answers, Quora or Microsoft answers.





Comment on other posts
Another thing that you can do for your Link Building strategy is to comment on other posts with comments that are really interesting to the reader and that are not classified as Spam. The more comments you make, the more visibility you will have and the more chances that users will enter your content. However, as we have just discussed, you must take into account, do it naturally, with interest for the reader and not in a massive way so as not to be considered advertising.


Links on social networks
There is no doubt that today social networks are undoubtedly one of the main means of communication and expansion of content, so they can be another window for us to get backlinks. It is therefore important that we have some profiles created, if not all of them, in various RRSS so that in this way we can share our content there and reach more people.




You can put clever messages so that in this way the click is more attractive to users and you get a better CTR on your publications.




Comment on forums
Another of the places where it is interesting to make comments to get backlinks is in the forums, as long as their content is of quality and they have a high domain authority. You can access the forums of your sector and make comments or participate in debates that are of interest to you and in which you can provide comments that are valuable to users. Making yourself visible in them will give authority to your comments.


Lets share your content
It offers users the possibility of sharing content in a simple way, by inserting, for example, a button for it. In this way, users will be able to share the post quickly, whenever they are interested in doing so.





Create and use Infographics
Infographics are undoubtedly a good way to promote our content and make other pages want to link to us. Currently we find them everywhere and visually they are very attractive for readers since they can see at a glance, the information they need at this moment in a schematic way.


We currently have a number of free templates on the internet for this, so we can create quality infographics in a simple way and without having great design knowledge. Its use can therefore help to get more backlinks to your website in a natural way.


Check the mentions of your brand
Another of the actions that you can carry out in your Link Building strategy is to check if some web pages have mentioned your brand, to request that they put a link or that if it is already posted it is dofollow. If they have already mentioned you, it is because they value your business and they may want to talk to you in many cases.


Offer something for free
Another of the ways in which you can promote the Link Building strategy is to do so by offering extra content to users for free. This type of content can be ebooks that the user can download or, for example, some type of training. In this way you will make the content be shared and more people access your website.


4 How to find mentions of our Site without a link

When they put a link pointing to our website, it is interesting that its anchor text is correct, so that it has more value. However, it is possible that there are websites that cite us, but that do not put the link pointing to our content, that is, that they talk about us, but that there is no link that directs to our content or website. That is why we are going to analyze how to look for this type of mentions on other websites, since we will be finding potential links.


To find out which pages have mentioned you but have not placed any links to your website, you must do the following:


In our Link Building course we have used the ahrefs tool, but you can use others such as Semrush or Moz to execute this type of action.


Step 1

The first thing you should do is enter the ahrefs content search engine.




Step 2

Now you must put your site in the ahref search engine, in this case "solvetic" and select "in content" as you can see in the following image.




Step 3

You will see that a list of links appears in which TechnoWikis has been mentioned, but there is no link to our site. In order to filter this more effectively, click on "websites" and sort them by domain authority, from the DR tab.




Step 4

Now you will see that the websites with the highest domain authority appear at the top. To be able to see in which URL we have been cited, click on the total number of pages.




step 5

Here we will see the publications in which they have talked about our website in the selected site, but they have not put us any link.




step 6

If we click on these links, we can search for where we have been quoted in the search engine using the following combination.


Search in Windows


Ctrl + F



Search on Mac

+ F





We will see that our name appears. Now we can claim that website if it is of our interest, to put us a link to the content that is discussed in your post.


With all these techniques you will be able to build good backlinks for your content and generate a network of links that will help position your site and increase the page authority of your website. In this way you will also make your post position better and that Google will give more importance to all the new content that you create. It is therefore important to take all these factors into account, in order to have a clean strategy that provides us with good results.


In summary, to implement an effective Link Building strategy it is necessary to create quality and relevant content, participate in communities and social networks, look for collaboration opportunities, perform Guest Posting, create visual resources, look for broken link opportunities and monitor the links to the website.

by (3.5m points)

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