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Visual identity of a brand what is it | Items

in SEO by (552k points)
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1 Visual identity elements of a brand
2 Visual identity | brand attributes
3 Examples brand identities

It is important that if we have a business, we take into account what the visual identity of the brand is, since the visual identity is everything that is seen of the brand with its own style, and this is what generates the identity. It is interesting that when we work on our brand and in our business, we take into account that we must have created a visual identity, since it is very important to understand this concept, so that in this way we can create a quality visual identity for our brand..


visual identity of a brand
So the first thing we have to be very clear about is what is the visual identity of a brand? Well, Visual identity of a brand refers to the graphic representation of a brand, its objectives and values. It is the way in which the brand is presented visually to the public. It is the set of graphic and visual elements that represent the brand, and that are used to create a coherent and recognizable image of it.


The visual identity of a brand is important because thanks to it you will create an image and a brand personality that represent you and are distinctive for your customers. By having a clear and elaborate visual identity, consumers will recognize you more easily and it will be easier for them to remember you and associate you with this visual identity. In addition, the visual identity can also help transmit the values ​​and personality of the brand, since this parameter influences any company and can also influence the perception and choice of consumers.


That is why having a good brand identity created will thus make the first impression of quality for both new and old customers.


The visual identity will be applied to everything that has to do with our brand, both physically and digitally, since it will be the first impact our potential clients receive, and as we already know, the competition today is immense. That is why we must achieve a differential point so that we are easily recognized by them,



1 Visual identity elements of a brand

This visual identity is made up of different elements, which are the ones that will create the identity globally. Below we show you all of them.


image Elements.png]


The first thing we must do to create our brand identity is to select the name of our brand or company. This name must be differential, but it must represent our brand. In addition, we must not select a name that has durability, that is, that it is something temporary or in trend, that over time can become obsolete. It's also important not to stick to geographic names if you plan to expand. If, in addition, the chosen name helps your clients to know what it is about, it will be more easily remembered for them. Having a good brand name is essential since it will be how our clients talk about us to name us, how they look for us and how they relate to us.


The logo is undoubtedly one of the most important elements, since it can convey various meanings and different messages to those who see it. If we have a well-designed logo, we will be able to convey the essence of the brand and help establish an emotional connection with customers. What we must look for with the logo is that, as it is the first impression that many of our potential clients take from us, it is trustworthy. It must be recognized in a simple way and represent the visual identity of the brand, with a clear and direct message.


Typography is a very important element when it comes to creating the visual identity of our brand, since in addition to transmitting the information of a word, it emits a subliminal message to the consumer. The font that we select can vary greatly depending on the type of company we have. However, it is important that whatever our business, the typography follows standards such as the following:
  • Simple: Although it may seem like something that does not attract attention a priori, a simple typography will make it easy for consumers to read and recognize and thus it will be clear.
  • Original: To create our logo, it is best to be original and not fall into widely used and common fonts, which can lead to confusion in the event that it is used by the competition.
  • Coherent: Another important aspect is that it be consistent with our brand and the message we want to convey. It must be in line with the brand identity and personality of the company
As we have already mentioned, this may vary depending on the type of company and business.


Color palette
Choosing the colors for your logo is another of the important steps you must take to create your visual identity and therefore your brand identity. The first thing we need to do is define a primary or corporate color palette and a secondary palette and decide when each should be used. When choosing them you must take into account what you want to transmit, since each color has a meaning and transmits a different sensation when we are in front of it. Investigate which colors represent your brand before choosing them.


Elements (Photos, design...)
In addition to what we have just seen, there are other elements that will form part of our visual identity. Among these elements we can find them with the photos that will accompany our brand, the design that our ads will have or the general style that everything related to it will have.


Elements in social networks
We could say that this element is the most recent, but it is undoubtedly important since the presence of our brand in social networks today is almost essential. In addition, followers will highly value the way we reach them and the way we showcase our brand on these platforms.


2 Visual identity | brand attributes

We have already seen that the visual identity of a brand is the way in which the brand is visually presented to the public. We must also bear in mind that this identity must convey that the brand is coherent and trustworthy.


It is therefore important that our brand identity follows certain patterns, so that over time it is recognized and respected by users..


A good visual identity is composed of the following elements:

  • Credibility: It is important that your brand identity conveys credibility to customers, so that they trust it. In addition, having it well developed will help it transmit confidence. In addition, the credibility of a brand is a key factor in consumer perception and is likely to have a significant impact on the purchase decision.
  • Reputation: The reputation of a brand refers to the perception that consumers have of the brand based on experiences, interactions and perceptions accumulated over time. That your brand has a good reputation will ensure success in many cases, as long as you offer the customer what they are looking for and need.
  • Positioning: When we talk about brand positioning, we are referring to the way in which consumers position it, compared to the competition, that is, if above or below. That is why working on it being well positioned is important so that it can grow.
  • More income, less expenses: If you create a good brand identity from the beginning, you will save money by not having to change and modify its appearance. A well-designed brand from the first moment will save you many headaches, as well as money and time to invest in changing this design.


We must bear in mind that today, no brand will be able to position itself in the market if it does not have a visual identity and is recognized by consumers and viewed favorably by them. Information travels constantly visually, so the importance of having a visual identity that is clearly defined and recognized by consumers is essential, and this will also make you better positions than your competitors.


But in addition to this brand identity, we must assign a series of attributes that represent it..


What are brand attributes?
The attributes are the characteristics of our brand or product, that is, what describes our brand. They are also the adjectives that describe the nature of our company and define what it is. These attributes can be tangible or intangible and are used to differentiate a brand from others in the marketplace.


An example of this may be that a brand is: close, elegant, ecological, etc.



How many attributes should I select for my brand?
It is advisable to choose an average between 5 and 10 attributes, since if you choose more, it will be more difficult to choose and define the elements of a visual identity, which communicate all those attributes of our brand. In this way our visual identity will be clearer and less confusing as it is not overloaded.


For example, let's assume that we have a brand of ecological bags and we select these 5 attributes:

  • Ecological: dedication of our brand to environmental sustainability and minimizing its impact on the environment
  • Committed: dedication of a brand to a particular cause or value
  • Elegant: Sophisticated and refined image or style associated with a brand
  • Affordable: It is a product with a low or not very high cost
  • Sustainable: This attribute refers to the brand's commitment to sustainable and responsible business practices.


In this case we have selected these for our brand, but we must bear in mind that there is an endless variety of attributes that we can choose from. Here are more options:


Attributes for a brand
  • Quality: the quality of the product or service offered by the brand.
  • Innovation: The brand's ability to create new and exciting products or services.
  • Reliability: The brand's ability to deliver products or services reliably and consistently.
  • Style: The design and visual appearance of the brand.
  • Value: the price and value for money of the brand's products or services.
  • Customer experience: the way the brand interacts with its customers and how customers feel when interacting with the brand.
  • Personality: The personality or image that is associated with the brand.
  • Reputation: the general perception that customers and the general public have of the brand.
  • Design: The brand has a distinctive and attractive style that stands out in the marketplace.
  • Chance: the brand's products are relaxed and comfortable for day to day.
  • Modernity: the brand is at the forefront of the latest trends and fashions on the market.
  • Comfort: The brand's products are comfortable and easy to wear, making customers feel good while wearing them.
  • Durability: The brand's products are strong and last a long time, making them a good investment for customers.
  • Innovation: Brands that stay ahead in terms of innovation can stand out in the market
  • Value: The value that a brand offers to its consumers is important. This can be manifested in terms of value for money,
As we can see, the attributes that we can put on our brand are immense, so we must select precisely which ones we want to associate it with.



The tangible elements of a brand are those that can be seen, touched and felt. Next we will see some examples of this.





Customer experience

  • Brand name: Having a good brand name is essential since it will be how our clients talk about us to name us, how they look for us and how they relate to us.
  • Logo: The logo is the graphic symbol that represents the brand and is one of the most important tangible elements of a brand. It must be recognized in a simple way and represent the visual identity of the brand, with a clear and direct message.
  • Tagline: The tagline is a short phrase that represents the values ​​and promise of the brand. A good slogan can make the brand stand out from its competition.
  • Typography: Typography is a very important element when creating the visual identity of our brand, since in addition to transmitting the information of a word, it emits a subliminal message to the consumer. They also transmit different emotions and sensations, so it is important to know which one we choose for our brand. You should also take into account that the font must be readable on both mobile devices and PCs.
  • Color palette: The first thing we must do is define a primary or corporate color palette and a secondary palette and decide when each of them should be used. Color is a very important aspect, since each of them will transmit different sensations and these will be related to your brand. If we choose the colors of our brand correctly, we will be reinforcing the message we want to convey.
  • Packaging: The product package is an important element for the brand because it is how it will be presented to the public. It must be attractive, functional and coherent with the visual identity of the brand.

[attachment=157354:Visual identity of a brand what is 1.png]





3 Examples brand identities

In order for us to understand more clearly what a brand identity is and how we can create our own, it is best that we see different examples of them, so that in this way we can become aware of it. As we know, the brands that exist today in the market are huge, so we are going to select some of the most famous ones, to analyze them.



Coca Cola



Its visual identity is based on the color red and white above all, including black or gold depending on the type of drink (zero, without caffeine...). Its logo is recognized worldwide as is its characteristic typography of the brand. We can say that its corporate identity has always been to show itself to the public as a familiar, refreshing drink. It also tries to convey happiness at different times as well as fun. It is said that its name was chosen because its ingredients include coca leaves and kola nuts.


We can see that several of the slogans used represent the ones we are commenting on. In this case we can see "Uncover happiness"


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We can also see advertisements, like this one that was recently published, in which they want to convey that by drinking a Coca Cola you feel inspired and happy and you get the best out of yourself.







Its visual identity is based on the iconic "swoosh" and there is no doubt that it has become one of the most recognized logos worldwide, using only black and white in its range of colors. Its design was the work of a student who was inspired by the Greek goddess of victory Nike. With this idea, they wanted to attribute to the brand the qualities and philosophy of this character from Greek mythology, such as victory, being able to run very fast and other types of qualities that perfectly represented his philosophy of sport.


The typography he has used is simple and his recurring slogan "Just Do It" is recognized anywhere. We can say that his brand identity is motivating, sporty and challenging.




As we can see in their ads, they usually represent the effort and self-improvement of athletes, as well as the quality of their products.








The Amazon logo, with its half arrow-shaped smile, is globally recognizable today, and as we say, it wants to convey that smile and happiness to buyers when buying on the platform. We can see that this arrow is marking from A to Z, to represent that you can buy any type of product on its website. The font used is simple and with a black, orange and white color palette. However, its logo has changed over time until it reaches the current one.


The simple typography and orange color, and its slogan "Work hard, have fun, make history." His personality is approachable and trustworthy. What they want to convey is "Everything you need to make your purchases come true."


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As we can see in their advertising, they try to convey that anything you want to buy is at your fingertips with Amazon and that you will receive it in a short space of time.








Another of the logos currently recognized worldwide is, for example, that of the Netflix streaming platform. The Netflix logo is simple, clear and direct in red and white. We see that these colors are perfectly integrated into the platform with its way of presenting the content. In addition, the red color is reminiscent of the red seats in theaters in the past and the N fades as if indicating the beginning of the film.


Their tagline reads, "At Netflix, we want to entertain the world." Its brand identity wants to convey to the public that it is a close, familiar platform to entertain and share with family and friends.




In their ads we can see that they want to show the public the possibility of seeing different content and that Netflix will offer you content that suits your tastes and this will make you happy.


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The Chanel brand has become one of the most recognized names in haute couture fashion and its logo is recognized worldwide. Chanel items carry the double C logo and the color it uses for the logo is black, being a main corporate color associated with its image, pure black.


With this choice, they try to convey that their brand, just like color, is powerful and combines elegance, tradition, exclusivity and sophistication, which is why the brand often represents it together with white, which helps create this feeling for its consumers.


There are different slogans used by the brand and said by its creator, Cocó Chanel, such as: "Fashion goes out of style, style never" or "I don't do fashion, I am fashion".


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As we can see, having a brand identity is very important, since this will make us be recognized and remembered by users, and in this way, their trust in us will be greater and this will help us to overcome our competition. That is why having a good brand identity is essential and essential for any company, as this will help make it a solid brand and transmit customer loyalty.


Once the brand identity is established, it is important to maintain it consistently across all customer touch points, from website design to advertising and social media, so that it remains relevant and engaging to our target audience.

by (3.5m points)

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