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How to Change Line Spacing in Google Docs

in Guides by (552k points)
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Adjust or change line spacing in Google Docs
Add or remove spaces before and after paragraphs
Set custom line spacing option

On many occasions it is necessary to change the space between lines in a Google Docs document . We may need to add a double space in a document or we may want to add a single space in a business letter. Regardless of this, we can get it and even customize it..

Although, Google Docs does not have the same features that we would find in Microsoft Word. It has very interesting and useful options, such as writing fractions, adding a PDF, summaries, tracking changes, etc. It is a free cloud tool that is constantly evolving and adjusting the spacing between lines is very simple.

Adjust or change line spacing in Google Docs

It is possible to change the line spacing of the entire document or just a specific part. In case of being with a new document, we can establish the space between lines before starting and then focus on the content. If we already have text in the document, we will have to select what we want to change..


We are going to click on the button Spacing between lines and paragraph that is in the toolbar or we can choose Format > Spacing between lines and paragraphs in the menu. After this we are going to see several preset options, we can choose between any of these.

Obviously, we can use different spaces between lines in the same document. We will only have to select the text that we want to change and choose the space..

Add or remove spaces before and after paragraphs

In the Line Spacing and Paragraph options, we will also see two options available for paragraphs. This is quite useful if we want sentences to be spaced in a specific way, but want more space between paragraphs.


We are going to select the paragraphs that we want to change and click on the button Spacing between lines and paragraphs from Format. Now we are going to choose “Add space before the paragraph” or “Remove space after the paragraph”, depending on what we want to achieve.


We'll then see that the text we selected has been updated to the settings we specified earlier.

Set custom line spacing option


In case the line spacing presets do not convince us, we can create our own. We will click on Format> Spacing between lines and paragraphs and then we will choose “Custom spacing”.


A box will open and we will have to enter the spacing we want to use in the Leading box. Additionally, we can adjust the space between paragraphs. We will introduce the number in the before and/or after boxes; When we finish we will click on “Apply”.

by (3.5m points)

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