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The anchor text in SEO

in SEO by (552k points)
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For SEO it is an important factor to take into account since with this strategy the popularity of the site and its PageRank (algorithms that are used to numerically assign the relevance of web pages indexed to a search engine such as Google) increases.


It is important that the anchor text in the SEO includes keywords, which will indicate to the search engine that the page to which it is addressed will have information about that same keyword. In this way it is possible to increase the positioning in the Web.


At a certain time it was used to carry out protests on the Web, where the Webmasters created links to a certain Web page that ended up positioning it in the first places of the query. This technique was called Google Bombing.

A real example was the one that was made to the former president of the United States, George Bush, where a Google Bombing campaign was carried out so that his name can be seen in the top positions of the search results on the White House website. His keywords were; "Worst President", translated is "The worst president". Allied Webmasters placed links with the anchor text that read "Worst President".

To establish the anchor text, the following instruction must be performed:
<a href="http://www.solvetic.com//"> computer problems </a>

Remaining as follows:

Solve all computer problems , TechnoWikis experts will help you solve them, enter and discover our Community

It is important to avoid text within the links they say; Click here, Link / link, My Web, Visit, etc., since the included text must be descriptive of the Web site in question, the engine of the search engine will take it into account and will value it accordingly.

Another recommendation is that the anchor text does not have accents spelling.
For its part Google has activated filters so that this technique is not abused, for this reason it is not recommended to repeat the same text in a certain number of links, running the risk of being penalized by Google, which seeks at all times the natural positioning of the websites.
The keywords that are used must be different when placed in the anchor text, but always related to the Web.

Search engines travel over the network through links for the collection of information. They jump from one page to another identifying the topics they deal with. In this way, by detecting a keyword throughout its trajectory, it will determine that it responds to the content of the site.

Another example:


Google has finally turned off the "Google Bomb" that had put President George W. Bush at the top of the results of a search with the text "miserable failure".

by (3.5m points)

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