+4 votes
How to backup (backup) cisco routers configuration

in Routers by (552k points)
reopened | 294 views

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Installation Tftp server

First of all we must install a Tftp server in some equipment of our local network. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will base ourselves on the "Cisco Tftp server v1.1" software, it is possible to download this simple program from one of the following addresses:

Option 1: http://cisco-tftp-server.waxoo.com/
Option 2: http: //www.ultimaver...ftp-server.html
Option 3: http: //www.4shared.c.../dg1d2cOO/Cisco

Cisco Tftp server v1.1 is compatible with windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XP. After downloading the software, it is necessary to execute the file "cisco-tftp-server.exe" to carry out the installation of the Tftp server on a computer with windows.

All the files transferred through the Tftp server will be stored in the path: "Program Files \ Cisco Systems \ Cisco TFTP Server", if we want to change the route we must enter the "View" menu, "Options" and modify the "Tftp" option server root directory ".


Backup configuration

To support the current configuration of "Router1", we must log in privileged mode in "Router1".

Router1> enable

Router1 #

Execute the command " copy running-config tftp: "

Router1 # copy running-config tftp:

Enter the IP address of the Windows machine where the TFTP Server is installed. In our example corresponds the address Ip

8] Address or name of remote host []?

Enter the name of the file where the configuration of "Router1" will be saved. In our example we decided to call it "backup_router1_confg".

Destination filename [router1-confg]? backup_router1_confg


1030 bytes copied in 2.487 secs (394 bytes / sec)

Router1 #

Finally, verify the creation of the file "backup_router1_confg" in the path "Program files \ Cisco Systems \ Cisco TFTP Server" of the Tftp server.

Restore configuration

To restore the configuration of "Router1", we must log in privileged mode in "Router1".

Router1> enable

Router1 #

Execute the command " copy tftp: running-config ". This command will copy the file from the Tftp server to the router's memory.

Router1 # copy tftp: running-config

Enter the IP address of the computer where the TFTP Server is installed. In our example corresponds the address Ip

Address or name of remote host []?

Enter the name of the file where the configuration of "Router1" is supported. In our example, the file name is "backup_router1_confg".

Source filename []? Backup_router1_confg

The destination name will be "running-config" since we want to overwrite the current configuration.

Destination filename [running-config]?

Accessing tftp: // backup_router1_confg ...

Loading backup_router1_confg from (via FastEthernet0 / 0):!

[OK - 1030 bytes]

1030 bytes copied in 9.613 secs (106 bytes / sec)

Router1 #

Common mistakes

For a successful file transfer it is recommended to keep the Tftp server open.
It is common that the router can not communicate with the Tftp server because some firewall (Firewall) blocked the communication between the router and the computer where the Tftp server is located. The communication port used for file transfer via Tftp is 69 udp.

by (3.5m points)

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