+3 votes
SeoPanel: Tool to manage SEO Projects

in SEO by (552k points)
reopened | 270 views

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Seo panel is a free application made in php that allows you to take control of a seo project, but also allow other users or clients to manage their own campaigns, or monitor those created by an expert or administrator.

  • We go to the website of Seo Panel http://www.seopanel.in download the installation package that supports several languages.
  • Unzip the file and upload it to the server where it will run or on a local test server.
  • We look for the file config / sp-config.php and we make sure that this file and the tmp directory have 777 write permission
  • Then we execute from a browser: http: //www.midominio...opanel/install/

We assume that I have uploaded the application in a folder seopanel to the server via FTP


The installation is simple verifies that the server and php configuration are correct and the next step requests the data from the mysql database where the configuration will be installed


Then at the end we will have to eliminate the installation directories to avoid security problems. By default, the administrator panel is accessed with the following data:

user spadmin
key: spadmin


Here we can see some demos projects that show data collected from Google, Alexa, Bing, they are checking the ranking, the backlink and the positions of the web.

In the SEO Tools session we have many options to configure and monitor the web.


Here we can see how we monitor keywords and their position in google, yahoo, msn, etc.
In the site reports section we can generate reports according to certain parameters that interest us or cronjob can be programmed in Apache to generate the report automatically from time to time, for example, generate a report every 30 days.

Another report the variation of Alexa day by day, Alexa is based on the traffic, number of unique visits and backlink, in short the popularity of the web.


This would be like the rating of the TV, but only for web with a lot of traffic, with few users will not be very relevant.

The user can also view all the reports and configure them from his panel. The administrator of Seopanel also has many plugins some free, others paid. In the plugin section we have several divided into categories, for social media, linkbuilding, link and competition analysis, newsletter, comment tracking on the blog.

The administrator can also manage user, tools and reports, add or remove tools.


On the seopanel website there is a link to download plugins or buy them. From the administrator backend we can see the administrator we can see the plugins installed and active

You can also configure cron job to define when a report is run and thus allocate server resources for that specific time. According to our server we can set a cron job in the control panel or in the cron.php file

0 1 * * * php /home/user/smydomain.com/seopanel/cron.php

This means run at 1 am the command or the indicated page, in this case generate seo reports.

by (3.5m points)

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