+3 votes
How to remove a person from a photograph

in Graphic Design by (552k points)
reopened | 239 views

1 Answer

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It may happen that an unwanted person appears in a photograph and wants to remove it from it.
Next, the appropriate technique to perform this procedure will be mentioned.
It is the case of a photo taken in a public place and sideways someone appears who has nothing to do with the snapshot, it will proceed to remove it.

Suppose that in the next photo you want to remove the person that appears on the right of the image.


First you must open the PhotoShop program and load the image in question.


Next you will use the quick selection tool image and will begin to make a series of clicks on the image to be removed and in turn can be dragged with the mouse, as you can see in the following image:


Be careful not to select areas that do not correspond to the image. In case that happens, you can subtract the wrong selection, by clicking on the quick selection tool that presents a negative sign image


Then you have to go to the selection menu> modify> expand 2 pixels. In this way the selection will be expanded a little more.

Once the selection has been expanded, you will go to the menu edition> fill in and there you can choose the one that says According to the content .


Automatically the selected image will disappear from the photograph.


At the same time it can be appreciated that when removing the person who was left over in the photo, the background remained intact, that is to say it gives the sensation as if it had never been there.
Then the selection menu option> unselect is applied


In case you notice some imperfections


The following actions must be taken:
  • Select the concealer brush tool image and increase the brush size a little.
  • Then pass it over the places where the imperfections were presented by clicking only to remove them.
Corrector brush function

It is an ideal tool to remove stains from a person's face or as previously seen to remove traces of an image that has been removed by means of the quick selection tool.
In other words, it allows you to match the texture, lighting, transparency and shadow of the pixels of the imperfections with respect to those of the original image. In this way they merge correctly with the image.

We will see another example below to remove facial blemishes:
  • First the photograph that you want to modify and duplicate is opened.
  • Second, the corrector brush tool is selected, which will make a sample of the area surrounding the point to be retouched.


  • You can see that the face has some pimples, which will be removed:


  • The points to which the correction will be applied will be identified.
  • Another issue is to use a brush size a little larger than the area to be corrected so that better samples are taken to replace.
  • Afterwards, the corrector brush is taken and the affected areas are clicked.
  • Obtaining the following result:


by (3.5m points)

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