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If I delete a message from messenger, does the other person see it?

in Other Applications by (552k points) | 3.4k views

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If I delete a message from messenger, does the other person see it?
How to delete a Facebook message so that the other person does not see it?

Interested in knowing When you delete a message in Messenger does the other person see it? You are in the right place, where we will teach you everything about Facebook Messenger messages.

One of the biggest doubts is knowing if when deleting a messenger message the other person knows that you have deleted it. Find out in this article, we invite you to continue reading.

If I delete a message from messenger, does the other person see it?

We regret to tell you that when you delete a message, you are notified. But not everything is bad, we have a solution to delete messenger messages for both of us without the other person knowing.

The latest update of Facebook, has been presented notifications when deleting messages in a conversation. It has caused quite a stir, that is why we have solutions to this problem.

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This is how the notification is presented to the other person when we delete a message on Facebook: Username, delete a message.

The good thing is that this message is eliminated for everyone if this is how it was done

How to delete a Facebook message so that the other person does not see it?

The image shown above when pressing a message and hit  delete , then delete for me. It is not the correct option so that the other person does not see the message.

To delete messenger messages for both, it is necessary to wait a moment, then click on the message to delete, and click on the option to  cancel sending. It is the correct option for the message to be deleted for you and for the other person.

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This is how we can delete a messenger message for everyone, after days or after 10 minutes. This is what happens when someone deletes a message on facebook, they are notified automatically . But if we use this option in airplane mode, sometimes it is not notified and you go unnoticed.

by (552k points)

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