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What is Freepik and how does it work?

in Other Applications by (552k points) | 752 views

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The beginnings of Freepik
How does it work?
How to use Freepik

If you usually use photos or designs for your work, Google images is not the only option. Freepik has quickly emerged as a potential source for quality images. In this section we will give you a brief overview of this company, its operation, how to use it and what you should know when using the designs.


It is a very useful online search engine platform for graphic designers, because it allows them to locate all kinds of high-quality photos, vector images, PSD files and illustrations for free. To find the design you want, it has filters by categories such as: nature, animation, drawings, logos, people, etc.

Consolidating itself as a website of visual resources . This is a great support of graphic support that will complement your creative projects.

The beginnings of Freepik

This technological framework is of Spanish origin. Born in Malaga in 2010. Starting in 2011 with 3 founders. Currently it has a great human support team that exceeds 70 people, so they have expanded their physical area.

And it all came from the idea of ​​creating a website with great graphic resources, especially free, for designers, marketing agencies, art directors, and developers.

This company went from classifying third-party content to producing and distributing content to design users. In this way, it generated a model that changed the sources of income and its way of operating.

It currently has a traffic of more than 1,300 million downloads, billing for 2016 more than 7 million euros and continues to increase. According to the Financial Times, this company is consolidated at number 23 among the thousand in Europe that grow the fastest.

This search engine has 2 main useful tools.

  • Flaticon. The largest source or database of free customizable icons.
  • Slidesgo . It has a wide catalog of themes and attractive presentations for googles slides and power point templates, they are also customizable adapting to your needs.

How does it work?

Generally, when searching for an image file, we often visit many websites or search engines until we find what we request. Freepik does it for you, in an organized and quick way, visit the web pages where the graphic resource is located, catalog the results according to quality.

To achieve this objective and titanic task it is developed under PHP and Mysql environment , using Nginx as web server.

How to use Freepik

Once on the Freepik main page, we enter a keyword in the search field, it can be in English. Below you will see the results, some tagged as new or the most popular. If we want to specify, the search can be filtered by selecting the most recent.

To choose the image, click on it. On the next screen you will find the download button, in which you specify that "it is free license with the attributions", this indicates that when using it we must attribute to our project the inclusion of the name of the person who uploaded it. It is downloaded free of charge compressed in .RAR file. It is unzipped and ready to use.

If you are going to download photographs , you have options by categories. Stock photos, Icons, PSD files (if you need photos to work with Adobe) and vectors (It is a composition of shapes and geometric elements that create a design format, ideal for logos, banners, etc.).

When clicking on one of them, specify with keywords the topic you want to search for. And the download process is similar. It even positions you to the origin where the image is located.

If you are a graphic designer or simply a user who uses many visual resources, you will love this page. It has been highlighted for the quality of its content , in fact they are very demanding with the catalog they offer.

by (552k points)

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