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Why use Olloclip lenses on an iPhone

in Photo & Video by (552k points)
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Interchangeable photo lens for Apple smartphone
Pack of 3 lenses


The latest iPhone models have an excellent photo sensor with an optical stabilization system. However when it comes to immortalizing a beautiful landscape or taking a photo very closely, the result is rarely satisfactory. In the first case, the framing is not wide enough and for the second the photo is very often blurred. Fortunately, it is now possible to install Olloclip lenses on an iPhone to correct these inconveniences..

Interchangeable photo lens for Apple smartphone

Professional photographers will tell you that the wide-angle lens is the ideal tool for taking pictures of a landscape. The angle of view is such that it is possible to encompass an entire scene and to frame very wide.

These objectives were until now reserved for cameras of the Reflex type and were relatively expensive. We now find the same type of products but adapted to the iPhone. In this tutorial, we will introduce you to the 3 in 1 detachable lenses from Olloclip . This brand enjoys a great reputation in the field of mobile photography..

The interchangeable lenses of Olloclip consist of a lens and a small clip in order to fix it securely on the phone case. The clamp is covered with a coating specially adapted for the iPhone. You will not risk damaging it, scratching it or even scratching the glass.

The establishment does not present any difficulty besides. It is very easily positioned in the upper corner of the iPhone. Just make sure to remove anything that could artificially change the thickness of the phone such as cases, covers or protective glass. Note that once the lens is installed you will no longer be able to use the flash..

Pack of 3 lenses

The pack presented here includes 3 different lenses. A fish-eye (wide-angle) lens for taking photos with enhanced perspectives. This lens produces spherical photos. Photographers and selfie lovers will be able to use it to make totally delirious self-portraits.

The fish-eye lens is also very effective for highlighting landscapes or large monuments. The images obtained with this lens offer perspectives never before seen on an iPhone.

In the box you will also find a macro lens. As the name suggests, the latter will be used to take pictures of the infinitely small like flower petals, insects, etc. The level of detail offered by this lens is absolutely stunning. image You just have to be careful not to move when taking the picture. This precaution does not only apply to Olloclip products. It is valid for all macro lenses .

The Olloclip Pack contains a wide-angle lens with a short focal length. You will be able to use it to immortalize landscapes or take group photos (wedding, party, baptism). If you have a large family, you risk quickly repaying your investment. image Note that the box contains a lens protector and a microfiber cloth to clean the lenses. Olloclip also provides you with an application to help you take advantage of their lenses.

And do not think that offering your smartphone a device of interchangeable lenses is excessively expensive. Olloclip has a very wide range of lenses. There are packs for iPhone 6 (Plus) and 6S (Plus) at less than 50 euros. The 3 in 1 optics for iPhone 5 and 5S are sold for less than 30 euros. See the whole range of Olloclip and in particular the models for the iPhone 7 and 7S available on Amazon.

If you are looking for something to enrich the photographic skills of your iPhone at a lower cost, this is the ideal solution. It would also be a shame to deprive yourself of it. And then tell yourself that it will always be less heavy to wear than your big SLR. Here you will find many examples of photos taken with the Olloclip lenses.

by (3.5m points)

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