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How to personalize souvenir videos on an iPhone

in Photo & Video by (552k points)
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How to use the Souvenirs function of the iPhone?
Start a souvenir slideshow
Change the style of a slideshow


Souvenirs is one of the most appreciated functions of the iPhone. Video montages automatically generated around a specific theme are very successful with iPhone owners. It must be said that the result is particularly impressive. But do you know that it is possible to personalize your slideshows by choosing the photos to add to the video yourself..

How to use the Souvenirs function of the iPhone?

Few applications can claim to be unanimous with the general public. The Souvenirs feature of the iPhone Photo app is one of them. This is also the most interesting feature that the apple company has never released.

For those who don't know yet, Souvenirs is an algorithm developed by Apple. It will create slideshows on a specific theme (wedding, birthday, vacation, weekend, etc.) from the photos stored in the memory of your smartphone..

You have absolutely nothing to do. The application collects images around a specific subject using a powerful object and scene recognition system. Then in a second step she will choose the ones she considers to be the most successful. Then all that remains is to add the music and the transition effects to finalize the creation of the clip.

Start a souvenir slideshow

Remember what you did two years ago during your vacation? It's unlikely. Thanks to technological progress, your iPhone is now able to compile important moments of your life and present it to you in the form of slide shows..

  • Launch the Photos application by clicking on the icon on the desktop of your iPhone or iPad
  • Click on the Souvenirs button at the bottom of the window (the reading symbol surrounded by an arrow)
  • Tap one of the memories offered
  • Click on the play button to start the slideshow

Note that it is possible to share memories with friends or save this slideshow as video files for later viewing.

  • Start a Souvenir movie
  • Touch the screen with your finger
  • Press the pause button to stop the slideshow
  • Click the Share button in the lower left corner of the screen
  • Select the option to record the video

It may take a few minutes to download a movie. You can then play the file using the video player integrated by default on your iPhone or on your computer. In case of problems, I recommend the VLC software for Windows. The latter has most of the codecs necessary for playing all video formats.

Change the style of a slideshow

These short video sequences are created automatically. However, Apple lets you customize several elements of the video and do your own video editing yourself. You can for example change the style of the slideshow, the music, its duration as well as its name.

  • Launch the Photos application then press the Souvenirs tab as explained above
  • Select the Souvenir you want to personalize
  • Press the play button
  • Wait a few seconds for the iPhone to generate the video sequence
  • Once the movie has started, click on the screen to display the editing options
  • In the bottom menu, you will select one of the atmospheres offered by the Photos application. You have the choice between relaxed, magical, suave, exhilarating, extreme, epic, etc.
  • In the duration box, you can select the approximate duration of your slideshow (short, medium or long)
  • The playlist at the bottom of the window will allow you to view the photos and videos included in the slideshow

To access the other customization options, simply click on the icon composed of three horizontal lines located in the lower right corner of the screen. This interface brings together different customization options.

You can for example change the name of the slideshow, the background music, change the duration of the video sequence to the nearest second. The last option Photos and videos offers the possibility to delete and organize the different elements composing the video.

by (3.5m points)

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