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End the sound and image offset with a Bluetooth headset

in Multimedia by (552k points)
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Latency with a Bluetooth wireless headset
The VLC application and audio offset


The audio / video lag related to Bluetooth wireless technologies is particularly harmful for fans of video games and fans of Netflix. However, this latency in the transmission of sound is far from being inevitable. The VLC mobile application offers a function to synchronize the image and sound when viewing a video on a smartphone with Bluetooth headphones..

Latency with a Bluetooth wireless headset

You have certainly noticed it. When you watch a movie with a Bluetooth headset on your smartphone or tablet, there is a lag between the soundtrack and the images. This can be particularly frustrating, especially when watching an action movie. The character's lips move but we only hear the words a second later.

This latency phenomenon is very easily explained. Given the specific properties associated with Bluetooth technology, the processing of sound takes longer than that of image. In the most extreme cases the lag can reach one second..

To correct this latency effect, the simplest solution is to replace the Bluetooth headset with wired headphones. The latter produce an imperceptible offset of between 5 and 10 ms against a delay of 100 to 500 ms for wireless headsets.

The VLC application and audio offset

People who can no longer do without their Bluetooth headphones will be happy to know that most media players have a function to automatically compensate for audio / video latency. In this example, we will use the VLC application. But many other tools offer similar functionality..

by (3.5m points)

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