+3 votes
Play solitaire and tic-tac-toe on Android without installing an app

in Android Tutorial by (552k points)
reopened | 305 views

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Easter egg in Google Search
Free Card Game for Android
Play Noughts and Crosses Online on Google


To pass the time nothing beats a small game of solitaire or tic-tac-toe on Android. If you are worried about getting bored, there is a trick to playing these two legendary games on your smartphone without installing any application..

Easter egg in Google Search

Surprises are sometimes where we don't expect them. The developers of Google had the great idea of ​​hiding two online games in their search engine .

Do not expect extraordinary graphics in the Galaxy Fire 2, we are far from it. However, these two games could be of great help to you, especially when time seems to last forever..

Free Card Game for Android

No need to introduce yourself to the solitaire ? This card game won millions of users in the heyday of Windows XP. You may have played this game yourself.

image Obviously nothing prevents you from installing one of the versions available on the Play Store on your phone. But why clutter up its storage space with yet another game application when you can play it very easily directly from a web browser without taking the lead..

  • Open Chrome or any other mobile web browser
  • Type in the URL: www.google.com
  • Attention do not try to reproduce this procedure with the French version of Google, it will not work
  • In the event of a problem, go down the window and press the heading Use Google.com to force the browser to open the American page of the search engine.
  • Type in the Solitaire search field then validate with the Enter key
  • Then click on Tap to play to start your game

Play Noughts and Crosses Online on Google

Nothing better to pass the time than to work your brain. Noughts and crosses are certainly the best known puzzle game in the world. Here there is no need to solve difficult mathematical problems, nor to assemble blocks of different sizes. To win, you just need to align three identical symbols (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) on the grid.

You will therefore have to show ingenuity to correctly place your little crosses on the grid and thus beat the computer. It's up to you to set up a simple and effective tactic to win your tic-tac-toe games.

Contrary to what some people might believe, placing your symbol in the center of the grid does not allow you to win for sure. The corners offer multiple opportunities. By cons take care to analyze the shots of your opponent and if necessary block his alignment.

  • Place on the home page of your Android mobile
  • In the Google search bar at the top of the window type tic-tac-toe image
  • You will then see appear in the list of results, a grid on a green background
  • Then select the difficulty level (easy, medium, impossible) image
  • If you want to face a natural person, you just have to select the play against a friend mode.

Now you just have to have fun. Do not hesitate to share with the other members of this site your different playing techniques.

by (3.5m points)

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