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Sytadin: the app to know the state of road traffic

in Gps by (552k points)
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Avoid traffic jams
Sytadin app for iPhone
Getting around with Sytadin
Organize a route with Sytadin


Are you about to hit the road? To help you not to waste your time unnecessarily in traffic jams, the Sytadin application provides you with real-time and free traffic conditions directly on your iPhone

Avoid traffic jams

When you go on vacation, work or weekend, you don't necessarily want to get stuck in traffic. Unfortunately even taking all the precautions (early departure) no one is immune to a traffic jam ..

image To help you reach your destination without problems, there are now apps to download on your smartphone. These allow you to be informed in real time of traffic conditions on your route.

We often forget it but road traffic can vary enormously depending on the hours but also on the weather. So to avoid getting stuck in the heart of road traffic, get a powerful anti- traffic jam application ..

Sytadin app for iPhone

If you regularly take the Ile de France roads, you will certainly know the Sytadin site. This portal, managed by the regional equipment and development department, provides daily real-time information on the state of traffic on the main Ile de France axes (motorway, ring road, expressways around the capital etc.).

These data come from sensors directly installed on the road, surveillance cameras placed on the main axes and information gathered by the patrol officers. The site also offers a route calculation service and a tool capable of estimating your journey time..

image Good news, Sytadin now has its own application to monitor live traffic from its iPhone. This will save you from opening your web browser to find out traffic forecasts for Ile de France. Whatever people say, a mobile application is always more pleasant to use than a website.

Getting around with Sytadin

Difficult to make it simpler and more practical than Sytadin. Accidents, traffic jams, incidents, lane closures, the application will help you better manage your trips in the Paris region. We are now explaining how to use it

  • Start by activating the GPS function of your iPhone
  • Open the App Store
  • Click on the magnifying glass icon and type Sytadin in the search field image
  • Once installed, launch the application
  • A warning message warns you of the risks associated with using your smartphone while driving
  • Check the box no longer show this message
  • Then press the I understood button
  • Once on the map, you will see the traffic situation in Ile de France
  • Route verte = no disturbance reported for this section
  • Orange route = disrupted but smooth traffic
  • Red road = traffic jam, stopped traffic
  • Star icons = accidents

Organize a route with Sytadin

The Sytadin application provides you with real-time traffic information and also allows you to calculate your route based on traffic conditions.

  • Click on the Menu button (3 horizontal bars)
  • Then select the Routes section
  • On the map choose a starting point by checking one of the small points placed along the routes
  • Then press the Ok button to confirm your choice
  • Perform the same operation to choose your place of arrival
  • You can, if you wish, select the day and time of departure (the calculation will then be based on forecasts)
  • Press the Calculate button to find out your journey time

by (3.5m points)

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