Speed watching on Netflix
To save time or to watch as many episodes as possible in a row, many Internet users no longer hesitate to increase the speed of video playback. This practice has also become so popular that Netflix has just added commands to speed up or slow down the films and series broadcast on this platform..
Speed watching on Netflix
It is well known, fans of series are very impatient. They love to chain episodes from their favorite series. But now, the days do not last more than 24 hours, more and more fans are being seduced by speed watching.
As a reminder, this practice consists of consuming a maximum of episodes in a minimum of time. Some Internet users thus manage to view an entire season in a single day. To achieve this feat, TV series addicts no longer hesitate to watch their programs at high speed..
YouTube, VLC application and major media players have an option to change the playing speed of a video. On the YouTube app, the speed setting is accessible from the menu button.