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How to create additional profiles on Amazon Prime Video.

in Help by (552k points)
reopened | 247 views

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How to create profiles in Prime Video from your Computer's browser.
How to create profiles in Prime Video from the official app for Android or iPhone.

Amazon Prime video is one of the direct rivals of entertainment platforms like Netflix. Amazon Prime Video, like its rivals, has an extensive library of content, including original content financed by the platform itself. In addition, Amazon Prime subscribers will also be able to create profiles in their accounts to better manage the users who will use it.


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All users who subscribe to Amazon Prime also have access to Prime Video through their account. However, in the event that you have a family and group of friends with whom you share your Prime Video account, everything can be crazy since the viewing histories or the follow-ups of series and movies are mixed..

To avoid this type of confusion, Amazon Prime Video allows the creation and use of User Profiles. You can create up to a maximum of 6 profiles. All profiles will have to use the same Amazon account login, however when we access it, we can choose the profile we want to use.

In this way, when we view a series or movie, the viewing history will be stored only in this profile and not in the rest. Similarly, if we want to add any of the content to the monitoring list, it will be exclusive to this profile since each of the Prime video profiles will have its own..

That said, below we show you in detail how to create Amazon Prime Video profiles from your computer or from the official app for iPhone or Android:

How to create profiles in Prime Video from your Computer's browser.

1. Open the Web browser and Access Primevideo.com

2. Once here, log in to your account using your credentials.

3. Once inside your account you will have to click on the user icon in the upper right corner of the window..

4. When a menu is displayed you will find several options from which you must select the option: Add Profile.


5. This takes you to a new screen where you can provide a name for that profile.

6. Then you must decide whether or not you want to configure it as a children's profile (content restricted by age)

7. Finally, you only have to click on the Save Changes button .

8. This will automatically create the profile and be available from the Web version or from the official Prime Video app.


How to create profiles in Prime Video from the official app for Android or iPhone.

1. Open the Prime Video app.

2. Click on the section: My space.

3. Then you have to click on: + New

4. On the next screen you will have to enter the name you want to give to said profile.

5. Check if you want the profile to only show content for children (suitable only for children under 12 years old)

6. Finally, you just have to click on: Save.

7. From this moment the profile is ready to be used.


Important Note : when any user accesses the Amazon Prime Video account, they must pay close attention to selecting the correct profile since if you share a device, by default the profile you access will be the one used the last time. Therefore users should check the profile they use every time they log into Prime Video.

by (3.5m points)

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