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7 crazy maker ideas you can try on your Raspberry. Will you dare

in Help by (552k points)
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Raspberry and an automated cat feeder
Voice controlled kettle
Wireless multi room music player
Fully functional retro phone
The BeetBox: an eco-friendly drum machine
Home FM Radio Channel
Talkative toys


The Raspberry Pi has triumphed in the market for having managed to carve out a very special niche: the perfect device for creating all kinds of home projects. Its size, its price, its possibilities: it has everything going for it..

Of course, this small "gold mine" has been able to awaken the imagination of hundreds of users with inventor wood, willing in many cases to cross the border between a useful project and a grotesque one. We are going to know the 7 craziest projects that we can see currently for Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry and an automated cat feeder

David Bryan was fed up with having to constantly refill his precious cats' feeder, so, neither short nor lazy, he embarked on the exciting task of creating an automated feeder project for his cats using the Raspberry Pi as a brain..

In his blog we can follow the entire creation process, as well as the materials used in it. The mode of operation is simple: the cat meows and the feeder serves its ration.

Voice controlled kettle

In Spain we do not have much fondness for tea, but the English will undoubtedly appreciate this rudimentary but effective invention: a kettle that manages the temperature and the time necessary for us to make a delicious tea ..

Everything, in addition, will be done by voice commands , and he himself will be the one who serves the tea once the preparation process is finished. Quite a success.

Wireless multi room music player

For less than 100 euros we will be able to create a whole homemade musical thread using a Raspberry Pi, several WiFi transmitters and a little software help, that is the idea that the user Jezsinglespeed gives us .

Thanks to his children and some simple instructions, he has been able to synchronize transmitter and receivers to provide a fun musical experience throughout your home.

Fully functional retro phone

If we were not lucky enough to enjoy one of those retro circular dial phones , now, thanks to the inventiveness of Stuart Johnson, we can put it to full use with a small Raspberry Pi.

This " PiPhone " will allow us to synchronize the movement of the dial with the dialing of telephone calls made on the Raspberry over the Internet using a special application. It is also able to connect to the popular Skype calling application.

The BeetBox: an eco-friendly drum machine

We come to the quintessential crazy invention that has never passed a small Raspberry Pi: The BeetBox . It is a drum machine that uses a Raspberry Pi as its brain, but not just any: but a totally vegetable one.

The vegetables will be connected to capacitive sensors that detect our interaction with them. The Raspberry will process all this information and ... the rest will be to move at the pace that they set us.

Home FM Radio Channel

Although piracy is a serious problem, the Raspberry Pi can give us the possibility to do a little mischief with no other intention than to learn and experiment: to create a Pi-rat FM radio .

With just the right software, a homemade antenna, and a little patience following the instructions, we'll have a low-cost FM station working for us in a few minutes. Apparently the range of action of this radio would have a real range the size of a football field .

Talkative toys

The classic chattering toy phone that we saw in Toy Story 3 has a real existence in our world thanks to the “divine” intervention of the Raspberry Pi.

Grant Gibson was pleased to get a copy of this toy, tear it apart, and assemble a Raspberry Pi inside, adding a small script that makes the toy able to connect to the network and have conversations when turned on.

Image | third way

by (3.5m points)

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