+5 votes
Create shortcut for all users Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016 GPO Domain

in WindowsServer by (552k points)
reopened | 372 views

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Create a shortcut for all users in Windows Server by GPO

The GPO (Group Policy Object - Group Policy Objects) are a set of instructions in Windows systems (Windows 10 - Windows Server), with which we can create a series of parameters that are replicated either on the server, in this case , or on domain client computers, with GPOs we can manage both hardware and software..


One of these options is to create a shortcut for all users with different tasks, for this tutorial we are going to create a shortcut that opens a website for all users of Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016 using GPO and Domain.





Create a shortcut for all users in Windows Server by GPO


Step 1

The first thing will be to access the Server Manager and there select the option "Group Policy Management":




Step 2

This will open the GPOs management console, there we will right click on the desired OU and in the displayed list we select the option "Create a GPO in this domain and link it here":




Step 3

We assign the name to the GPO:




Step 4

We click OK to see the GPO created:




Step 5

We right click on the GPO and select the Edit option:




Step 6

In the new window displayed, we will go to the route:
  • User settings
  • preferences
  • Windows Settings
  • Shortcuts






Step 7

When going to Shortcuts we will see the following:




Step 8

There we right click somewhere free and select "New - Direct Access":




Step 9

The following window will be displayed, there we will see the following:




  • In "Action" select "Replace"
  • Give the task a name
  • In Destination type we leave the default value
  • In "Location" we select "Desktop"






Step 10

In "Destination path" we select the Internet Explorer path:





Step 11

In "Arguments" we enter the desired URL, assign a keyboard shortcut and finally define the icon of the shortcut. We apply the changes by clicking Apply and then OK.





Step 12

After this, we access a client computer of the domain and open CMD as administrator:





Step 13

In the terminal we execute the command "gpupdate / force" to update the policies:
 gpupdate / force 



Step 14

The shortcut created in Windows Server 2022 will be available on the Windows desktop:





Step 15

We double click on it to access Internet Explorer according to the configuration created:






Step 16

We can change the browser to Chrome, for this, we right click on the GPO and select "Edit":





Step 17

We go back to "User Configuration - Preferences - Windows Configuration - Shortcuts", there we right click on the GPO and select "Properties":




Step 18

In "Destination route" we will see this:





Step 19

There we select the Google Chrome path:





Step 20

Click Select. We apply the changes.






Step 21

We update the desktop on the client computer by right clicking on the desktop and selecting Update:





Step 22

We execute the following in CMD again:
 gpupdate / force 



Step 23

Double click on the access and the site will open in Google Chrome according to the configuration:




This has been the process to create a shortcut per GPO for all domain users in Windows Server..


by (3.5m points)

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