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Use this APP to increase your intelligence (or that of your children) while playing

in Applications by (552k points)
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Games to train the mind and improve the brain
Download Lumosity: Google Play

On several occasions I have come across advertising for "Lumosity" on the web. Surely you have also seen an advertisement for them on pages. Originally, their brain games could be played in the browser, but with the release of their Android app and seeing their ads so much, I decided to try their Android app available for free on the Play Store to give my opinion on it..

Leaving aside the image of a company that invests a lot in advertising here, I think that Lumosity is one of the best Android applications that exist to train the brain, especially of children. The games he proposes claim to be scientific, challenging mental abilities. I have been playing them for a few days and the truth is that they have made me work my mind a bit, especially in the last levels. Therefore, I think it is an app whose games you should try to make your children, nephews or grandchildren play to help them develop their little brain on a daily basis.

Games to train the mind and improve the brain

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The games can be as specific as you or your little one's need requires. They serve to train memory, your speed of decision, improve your logic, increase concentration, avoid distractions, etc. You will have three free daily games to train the brain. Once they are completed successfully, the job is done. The next day there will be three new games to continue training and so on indefinitely..

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It should be noted that the app claims to offer personalized brain training according to needs. In fact, it asks you what skills you would like to improve when starting the app. However, I have not seen any personalized training, but rather random games have been proposed to me from those available in the application. At least that's how it was at the beginning of its use.

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In the application you can also follow the intellectual progress in terms of speed, memory, attention, flexibility, problem solving and mental skills as a whole. It also has a personalized analysis to see what type of player you are, skills, strategies, etc. However, this type of information is reserved for premium users..



Unfortunately, the free version of Lumosity for Android is limited. As I said, you can only play three games for free that the application proposes to you daily. If you want you can repeat those games, but you will have to wait until the next day to see what new games it presents to you. If you want to have access to the "more than 30 games" that the app has in a free and unlimited way, in addition to personalized analysis and statistics, you will have to subscribe to the service for 12 dollars a month or 60 a year. Obviously, eventually you will have to repeat the same games over and over again. Anyway, I still consider this to be a powerful app, especially for a child to develop their brain. And now that children love spending time on the cell phone, this app would be a good way to make them think.

Download Lumosity: Google Play

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