+5 votes
Use this APP to see which APPS are downloading things and how much data they use

in Applications by (552k points)
reopened | 171 views

1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

3G WatchDog, real-time data usage monitor
Tips for 3G Watchdog
Android data usage vs. 3G Watchdog
Other mobile data usage monitors
Download 3G WatchDog : APKPure  | Alternatives: My data manager , WePlan
Data monitor
Data counter Widget

Android has its own option that reports the data used by the applications, both by mobile networks and by WiFi (Settings> Connections, Data usage). In an alternative data meter, such as 3G Watchdog, the interesting thing is that you can see the data consumption of your cell phone at the same time that it is being generated. That is, it is a real-time monitor, which allows you to see consumption from the notification bar as well as from its graph within the app..

3G WatchDog, real-time data usage monitor


3G Watchdog's real-time data consumption graph allows you to see which applications and how much data are downloading or uploading at the same time they are downloading (via WiFi or mobile data). If you find an app that shouldn't be using the connection, you can take steps not only to save data but also to save battery life .


Another good thing about 3G Watchdog is the control it offers to limit the use of mobile data. Android also offers this , like other apps , but this is only a general limit. In the case of 3G Watchdog, a daily, weekly or monthly limit can be established, both for data received (download) and sent (upload), and a warning is generated or even mobile data is automatically deactivated when reaching that limit (although on modern devices this will only work if you have root access ). The data meter can be reset to zero at any time..

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Tips for 3G Watchdog

I have used the app for several days and have some suggestions on it. First of all, it is by default in English, so before you bother with this language, open the application settings (the gear button at the bottom) and in the "Miscellaneous" section you can put 3G Watchdog on Spanish. Save the changes with the "Save" button, exit the application and re-enter.

3G Watchdog is a battery-intensive application with its default settings. To reduce this battery drain, in the application settings look for the option "Update frequency" and select the option "every 15 minutes" or a higher value. Current data usage will take longer to display, but you'll save a significant battery percentage..

Optionally you can hide the notification icon and the notification itself in the status bar, where data consumption is reported.

Although this application disappeared from Google Play, its APK can be downloaded from the link at the bottom. It still works fine on modern devices. I have tested it on my Huawei with Android 9 without problems.

Android data usage vs. 3G Watchdog

Perhaps the most important reason why 3G Watchdog is better than the Android data usage meter is its real-time monitor, which allows you to identify the transmission of data from applications at any time. Although it offers a versatile data limiter, you cannot see the data consumption per application (this is only available in the paid version 3G Watchdog Pro), you cannot see the data consumed in the foreground and background, or restrict this data via WiFi or mobile networks , things that the Android monitor does offer. In addition, using the latter does not imply extra use of battery and memory.

Other mobile data usage monitors

Data monitor

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It's as good as 3G Watchdog, with current usage notification in the notification bar, available widgets, and usage statistics. It is one of the best rated and most downloaded apps of this type from the Play Store.

Data counter Widget

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In addition to the widget, within the application we can see the data consumption per app, per period of time, both mobile data and WiFi. The disadvantage of this app is that it does not show consumption in the notification bar. At most you can only add a widget to the home screen.

Download 3G WatchDog : APKPure  | Alternatives: My data manager , WePlan

Use this APP to control the use of mobile data, with limits and alerts

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by (3.5m points)

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